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Camping Gear |
Alaska camping gear and camping accessories with information to Save 70% on brand name outdoor gear in preparation for the journey. Alaska camping gear is available from the location listed here.
Save 70% on Brand Name Camping Gear to enjoy the great Alaska Outdoor World. Special thanks to BackcountryOutlet.com
Part of that planning is the research into the gear that we buy. Living here in the Alaska countryside has taught me a few things about the gear that I own. It seems as though all to much of it was designed by someone that has never experienced the rugged side of the outdoors or possibly never been camping in any areas outside their own back yard.
I am sure we have all experienced at one time or another some sub-standard gear that left us out in the cold. There was a time that I thought a tent was just a tent, I based all my buying decisions upon price and spent most of my precious time repairing my gear. Well thankfully those days are behind me now and I base all future purchases upon well informed and hard learned knowledge. Camping Gear for Great Outdoor Adventures.Anytime you purchase new camping gear for a wilderness adventure you need to keep the intended purpose in mind. If the gear is to be used in any setting where help can be more than a shout away, do not settle for any camping gear that will not hold up to the task and more. Even with the best of planning, things go wrong. Then you need gear that is sturdy, reliable and very dependable. Basically stated, if your choise for camping gear is Walmart, stay at a designated campground near other campers. There is nothing wrong with this and for many it's the ideal form of camping. Now if you are one of us that thrives off getting away from it all, your camping gear needs to be up to the task. This is when stores like BackcountryOutlet.com
Some other considerations to factor into your buying decisions. Inexpensive camping gear does not stand up to the elements like it's more costly counterparts. When it begins to rain or snow, being in a $50.00 tent is very undesirable. You are going to be miserable, cold and wet. Now being in a well maintained tent from someone like North Face, Bibler, Marmot and Mountain Hardware to name a few. I still use a North Face Pole Sleeve Oval that is nearly 20 years old and has never failed me on camping trips from Colorado to Alaska. A true testament to quality. I feel that being under prepared is far worse then overkill and always purchase the best equipment I can afford. |
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All material on this website is copyrighted. Some of the outdoor recreation described here can be dangerous. Personal injury and death can result if you choose to do backcountry skiing, wilderness camping, rock climbing, ice climbing, hiking, snowshoeing, backwoods expedition or any other back woods sport. All information on this website is intended to be viewed as miscellaneous tips from a perspective of backcountry and outdoor activities. While the authors and editors of this website make every effort to present useful information, one must factor in their personal experience, health, physical condition and age before attempting many outdoor activities. Camping, mountaineering and wilderness experiences are discussed here without knowledge of the readers athletic abilities or physical condition. Please acknowledge your own personal limitations before venturing into the wilderness. |