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2005 Trip Photo Albums
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Kenai Fishing Trip
Kenai Lake

Kenai Salmon Fishing Trip

Fishing Trip courtesy of Alaska Fish On Guide Service 1-888-283-4002

Kenai Salmon Fishing Trip Photo Album from September 30, 2005
Kenai Fishing Trip First hookup of the morning.
Silver Salmon fishing on the Kenai River in September is definitely a blast. There were lots of fish and very few boats on the river.
Alaska fishing trip on the Kenai River. The first fish of the day up to the boat. Area resident fishing guide Gary Kernan has been fishing this river for over 20 years and his knowledge of the river and of the fish really paid off for us.
Alaska Salmon Fishing, A silver in the net. A nice buck silver salmon in the net. What a way to start a great day with a 14 pound coho in the net.
Alaska Silver Salmon Proud angler shows of the first of many silvers from this Kenai fishing trip.
Here is another silver salmon caught on the Kenai River. The excitement continues as a hen makes it into the net. You have to want to catch allot of fish if you book a guided fishing trip on the Kenai River in late September.
A nice hen in the boat. She's not getting away. Fast and hot action was the story of the day as our fishing guide kept us hooked up during the trip.
Two nice silver salmon from a Kenai fishing trip. Two nice silver salmon from a Kenai fishing trip. It doesn't get much better than this.
Landing another silver in the Kenai. Landing another silver in the Kenai. Late September and early October are prime fishing times on the Kenai river for some excellent action.
Coho salmon are aggressive biters after entering the river. Another nice buck for the cooler. Besides being excellent fighters, Kenai River Coho salmon are aggressive biters after entering the river.
Kenai River Fishing Guide Gary Kernan has a big smile for the camera. Posing for a photo after netting a coho, Kenai River Professional Guide Gary Kernan has a big smile for the camera. This guy really knows how to fish. Fishing the Kenai in September for some magnificient silver salmon action.
Alaska silver salmon like this are just what
  we had hoped to catch and Gary produced well for us. Now that's a great fish story. Alaska silver salmon like this are just what we had hoped to catch and Gary produced well for us.
If you plan on being on the Kenai this summer, give Gary a call for that Alaska fishing trip to remember. Besides baiting my hook, Gary took care of cleaning, filleting, and every other detail of a well organized fishing trip. All we needed was the time. If you plan on being on the Kenai this summer, give Gary a call for that Alaska fishing trip to remember.

More information on fishing the Kenai River can be found at, Fishing Guides of Alaska.
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