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[Cartoon of a court jester, sitting at a terminal, typing 'So two guys walk into a bar...']

Welcome to rec.humor.funny, the net's oldest and most popular comedy publication and newsgroup. This home page features descriptions and history of rec.humor.funny, access to current and old jokes, a searchable archive of past jokes, and an index of other funny web pages.

rec.humor.funny is first a USENET Newsgroup that provides you with daily, editor-selected jokes. That means you can read it with a USENET newsreader. If your web browser is configured properly (check the settings for "news") then you can read the newsgroup for the latest jokes with this link. (Help!) But you can also read it right here on the web, too.

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You may note that recently ads have been appearing on RHF pages. These come from Google adsense and help support this site. Sponsors can also contact us directly to run text ads and sponsor the site.

Pages © 1987-2006 Brad Templeton; Some © 1996-2006 Jim Griffith; Collection Compilation © 1987..2004 by Brad Templeton.

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