There's Golden Opportunities for FUN and ADVENTURE in Them Thar Hills!
A stay at Yosemite Pines RV Resort and Family Lodging puts you smack dab in the middle of California's Gold Country! We offer one of the best Yosemite vacation and Yosemite lodging locations near Yosemite National Park.
The foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains offers breathtaking views. And those breaths will be of clean, clear air in this little slice of heaven. Outdoor Yosemite vacation enthusiasts have plenty of activities to enjoy, including:
Yosemite National Park
You've hit the mother-lode of outdoor adventure here! Tours, a steam train, trails and world famous rock climbing are just the start...
River Rafting, Kayaking, Canoeing and Water Skin
Get wet or just float along in the pristine local water!
Horseback Riding
Horses make great "trail guides" without ever saying a word!
Scenic Hiking, Biking and Driving
See it all on foot, pedal or from the comfort of your car!
Swing your clubs in the fine and challenging Pine Mountain Lake Country Club course.