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  Forecasts by telephone and fax

Bespoke weather forecasts for the mountains

West Highlands
Covering the areas of Trossachs, Argyll, Lochaber, the north-west Highlands and Skye.

East Highlands
Covering the areas of the Grampian Mountains east of Rannoch Moor and including the Cairngorms.

Similar forecasts are also issued for the Lake District and Snowdonia.

The forecasts are issued daily at 0600 and 1800.

The forecasts are available both via dial-up fax and via telephone. See the numbers to dial below.

In association with the Welsh Assembly Government, Sports Council for Wales and Wales Tourist Board we produce FREE mountain weather forecasts for the Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia National Parks.


The forecasts cover daylight hours and contain the following information.

  • Hazards: blizzards, persistent heavy rain, gales, storms, extensive hill fog (if below 2,000 ft and persistent), significant wind chill.
  • A brief, general overview for the whole of the Highlands, with an indication, if possible, of the driest or brightest ranges.
  • A brief summary of the weather.
  • An indication of height and extent of the lower cloud, with a mention of the type of hill fog if cloud base is below general summit level.
  • Wind and temperatures at 900 m (3,000 ft).
  • Freezing level (if below 1,500 m/5,000 ft) — the level above which you are likely to find ice on the ground, or where any precipitation will be falling as snow. Below this level it turns gradually to rain, becoming completely melted at an air temperature of around 2 °C or 300 m lower down the hill.
  • Similar information is provided for the following day plus a general country-wide outlook for the next five days
Mountain safety
Mountains can be inhospitable and dangerous places for the ill prepared. The forecasts we provide can help you keep safe on the mountains.
More about mountain weather and safety
  Walking boots
(£1 per minute)
Premium rate phone
(60p per minute)
Index page for Mountain products 09060 100 400 -
MetFAX helpline (telephone)
- 08700 750 075*
MetFAX helpline (fax) 08700 750 076* -
West Highlands 09060 100 405 09068 500 441
East Highlands
09060 100 406 09068 500 442
Lake District  09060 100 407 09068 500 484
Snowdonia  09060 100 408 09068 500 449
Surface analysis chart 09060 100 444 -
User guide to surface charts 09060 100 445 -
2- to 5-day forecast chart 09060 100 426 -

*Calls to the MetFAX telephone or fax helplines are charged at the standard price plan rate from your mobile, or at the national rate from your home phone in the UK.


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