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Works of art depicting the beautiful and elegant horse remain an extremely popular choice for visitors to Although the horse contact with man stems back 30,000 B.C., it was initially seen as a source of food. As time went on, however, man learned that the horse could be an extremely useful asset in veryday life. Whether the horse was used for transportation or simply to aid in hunting animals that man could not traditionally catch, this once hunted creature became vary valuable. The domestication of the horse was first seen around 3000 B.C. in China where horse drawn chariots were used in wars and invasions.

The horse was highly popularized in the art of the Romans with numerous popular pieces depicting the anatomical features of the horse to more dynamic sculptures of battles and chariot races. The horse gained further recognition by the cowboys and American Indians of the wild west who relied so heavily on this creature for survival. In a more contemporary setting, the elegance of the sport of thoroughbred racing has put the horse on a pedestal above most other animals.

Welcome to, Our goal is to provide our patrons with the most complete collection of statuary and statuary services available. Sculptureyard is very pleased to make it possible to acquire beautiful art reproductions at affordable prices. In the past, unfortunately, it was only the wealthiest who could own these valuable pieces. Although sculptures are still associated with affluence, it is now possible through this collection of reproductions for those of modest means to also enjoy a piece of history.
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