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  Solar UV index
UK regional five-day UV index forecast

The solar UV index shown is the maximum for that region of the UK. Hover over a symbol to see the name of the region, and click on it to go to the weather forecast for that region.

The five-day UV index forecast for locations in Europe is also available.

See the solar UV index key below for a guide to the risk of damage to your skin.

Click the buttons below the image to see the forecast for the next four days (day 1 is today).

British Isles solar UV index forecast North-east Scotland North-west Scotland South-west Scotland South-east Scotland Northern Ireland Northern England Yorkshire & Lincolnshire North West England The Midlands Wales East Anglia South East England Central Southern England Devon & Cornwall North-west Scotland The West Country
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Solar UV index

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a 'Solar UV Index', a system developed by the World Health Organization. These Met Office forecasts include the effects of:
  • the position of the sun in the sky;
  • forecast cloud cover;
  • ozone amounts in the stratosphere.

The risk of damage to your skin can be determined, based on your skin-type, from the table.


Index Fair,
Brown Black
Solar UV index 1Solar UV index 2 Low Low Low Low
Solar UV index 3Solar UV index 4 Medium Low Low Low
Solar UV index 5 High Medium Low Low
Solar UV index 6 Very high Medium Medium Low
Solar UV index 7 Very high High Medium Medium
Solar UV index 8 Very high High Medium Medium
Solar UV index 9 Very high High Medium Medium
Solar UV index 10 Very high High High Medium


Real-time UV data

The solar UV index is measured at the sites shown on the map opposite.

Live UV monitoring web site

The measurements are made by the Radiation Protection Division of the Health Protection Agency. Information about how these measurements are made can be found on the Health Protection Agency's site.

Image: HPA Logo (with link)

UV Monitoring Sites
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