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  Forecasts by telephone and fax

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Marinecall is the UK's leading provider of telephony-based weather information for coastal, inshore and offshore UK sea areas. We supply all sorts of weather reports to meet every need, from current observations and six-hour summaries, to 48-hour and five-day forecasts.
  So don't guess. Marinecall.

Forecasts include gale and strong wind warnings; the general situation; wind speed and direction, probability and strength of gusts, developing weather conditions, visibility and sea state.

Marinecall Directory Card
Contact our Customer Centre for your complementary copy.
By phone
6-hour coastal location + 5-day outlook forecasts
By fax
48-hour outlook
By fax
6-hour coastal location + 48-hour outlook forecasts
National inshore waters (3-5 day outlook)
09014 737 460
Cape Wrath - Rattray Head
09014 737 461
09060 100 451
09065 300 251
Rattray Head - Berwick
09014 737 462
09060 100 452
09065 300 252
Berwick - Whitby
09014 737 463
09060 100 453
09065 300 253
Whitby - The Wash
09014 737 464
09060 100 454
09065 300 254
The Wash - North Foreland
09014 737 465
09060 100 455
09065 300 255
North Foreland - Selsey Bill
09014 737 466
09060 100 456
09065 300 256
Selsey Bill - Lyme Regis
09014 737 467
09060 100 457
09065 300 257
Lyme Regis - Hartland Point
09014 737 468
09060 100 458
09065 300 258
Hartland Point - St David's Head
09014 737 469
09060 100 459
09065 300 259
St David's Head - Colwyn Bay
09014 737 470
09060 100 460
09065 300 260
Colwyn Bay - Mull of Galloway
09014 737 471
09060 100 461
09065 300 261
Mull of Galloway - Mull of Kintyre
09014 737 472
09060 100 462
09065 300 262
Mull of Kintyre - Ardnamurchan
09014 737 473
09060 100 463
09065 300 263
Ardnamurchan - Cape Wrath
09014 737 474*
09060 100 464
09065 300 264*
Lough Foyle - Carlingford Lough
09014 737 475*
09060 100 465
09065 300 265*
Channel Islands
09014 737 476*
09060 100 466
English Channel
09014 737 441
09060 100 471
09065 300 270
Southern North Sea
09014 737 442
09060 100 472
09065 300 271
Irish Sea
09014 737 443
09060 100 473
09065 300 273
09014 737 444
09060 100 470
09065 300 274
North-west Scotland
09014 737 445
09060 100 468
09065 300 275
Northern North Sea
09014 737 446
09060 100 469
09065 300 276
*Localised 6-hour forecasts are currently unavailable for these inshore/coastal areas.

Weather radar sequence
09060 100 425
Surface analysis chart
09060 100 444
User guide to surface charts
09060 100 445
UK plotted chart
09060 100 447

Call charges and update times

Based upon calls from a BT landline (calls from mobiles may vary). Marinecall by telephone (09014 calls) cost 60p per minute. Marinecall by fax (09060 calls) cost £1 per minute. Marinecall by fax (09065 calls) cost £1.50 per minute.

Six-hour coastal location forecasts are updated hourly. Five-day forecasts and all 48-hour forecasts are updated daily at 7 a.m.


Marinecall directory card

Handmade by humans

Marinecall directory card

To receive a complementary Marinecall Directory Card detailing our range of marine weather services please contact our Customer Centre.

Check out our range of specialist forecasts

Here you can find details of all the services the Met Office offers to the general public, by telephone, fax, mobile SMS and internet.

More products and services are available on our services for business pages.

Marinecall customer services

Tel: 0871 200 3985 (Mon-Fri 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
Fax: 0870 600 4229

Service provided by iTouch (UK) Ltd.
Avalon House
57-63 Scrutton Street

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