WebMate.com is an online community for you to build your social net work, share your ideas, date someone and enjoy other online services. WebMate.com is a good friend and assistant of you.
Create a private community on WebMate.com and you can share photos, blogs and
interests with your growing network of mutual friends!
See who has already in WebMate.com. Find old friends or classmates or colleagues
you have lost touch.
WebMate.com is for everyone:
- Friends who
want to talk Online
- Single people
who want to meet other Singles
- Matchmakers
who want to connect their friends with other friends
- Families who
want to keep in touch--map your Family Tree
- Business
people and co-workers interested in networking
- Classmates and
study partners
- Anyone looking
for long lost friends!
- People who
love other online services.
Do I Use WebMate.com?
1. First, Sign
Up and Create a Profile
(Your Profile is Your personal information on the Web, where you can
describe yourself, hobbies and interests. You can even upload pics and write
2.Second, Invite
your Friends to join Your social network.
OR, Search the site for your Friends who are already Members of
3.Third, View
the Connections you Create between Your Friend and Their Friends. Some
people have 1,000s of people in their extended network!
4. Meet your
Friend's Friends and Suggest Matches! You can communicate with anyone in
your social network.
5. Enjoy other
online services.
If you have
suggestions or comments, please mail them to: support@WebMate.com.
Your suggestions will be highly appreciated. |