Puerto Vallarta...
Do as the Love Boat used to, and dock in the world-famous resort town of Puerto Vallarta. The gay scene here is pumping, with accommodations, tours, cruises while the town's cobblestone streets hum with martini bars, strip clubs and drag shows.
Amsterdam is touted as the gay and lesbian capital of Europe, with a myriad of gay services. Amsterdam also hosts the massive Koninginnedag (Queen’s Day) event, dedicated to those who were persecuted by the Nazis for their sexual preferences.
San Francisco...
Rainbow flags adorn apartment windows and bar entrances in many San Fran neighbourhoods, but especially in the Castro district. Pride Week is capped by the often-outrageous ‘Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Pride Parade’.
Berlin’s legendary liberalism has spawned one of the world’s biggest gay and lesbian scenes. Openly gay mayor Klaus Wowereit outed himself with the now-popular words: ‘I’m gay, and that’s a good thing’.
Perhaps it’s Brighton’s long-time association with the theatre, but for over 100 years the city has been a gay haven. Kemptown (aka Camptown) is where it’s all at, with a rank of gay-owned bars, hotels, cafés, bookshops and saunas.
Prague's maze of medieval lanes keeps a bevy of bars catering to all fancies. Prague also stages an annual gay and lesbian film festival. Despite the city’s wholesale acceptance of same-sex partnerships, public displays of affection are not advised.
New York...
New York’s Chelsea and Greenwich Village are synonymous with gay life, possessing a thriving gay scene. A number of quieter clubs and bars continue to flourish in Chelsea as well. June's Gay Pride parade attracts revellers from around the world.
Rio de Janeiro...
During Carnaval, thousands of expatriate Brazilian and gringo gays fly in to take part in the fun, with transvestites stealing the show at most balls. Outside Carnaval the gay scene is active, though less visible than in some cities.
Sydney plays host to Australia’s biggest annual tourist event – the Mardi Gras. The joy-filled 'hedonism meets political protest' parade is attended by over a half a million people. Beach life also reigns here, so buff up before hitting the sand.
There's no 'gay movement' as such in Bangkok as there's no antigay establishment to move against. Thai culture is generally accepting but public displays of affection are frowned upon. Bars are often enlivened by high-camp cabaret.
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