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Web Marketing Services, Inc

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WMSI Online



Home and Garden

Health and Medical



Personals and Dating


Vacations and Tourism


Contact WMSI Online

How Could Online Marketing Resources Be Used?

The penetration of online marketing resources into homes, offices and libraries has ensured that they are more flexible to use than their paper based predecessors. Paper resources and mail order are rapidly becoming obsolete due to cost of production and the effort involved in updating literature. Online marketing resources are an excellent way of finding specific information or products quickly. Local libraries can often offer resources on local issues, but may not hold similar information for other states. Research and shopping can be carried out without having to visit a local library, municipal office, or shop in person. This means that marketers, researchers, students, and shoppers have a broader choice of suppliers to choose from.


Locate high school diplomas programs, K-12 tutoring programs, and programs, certifications, and degrees from colleges, technical schools, and universities. Compare colleges or get a free information.

Shop for appliances and accessories for home improvement projects: cabinets, doors, windows, patios or lawn care to maintain and beautify the home or garden. Compare realtors or get a free home estimate.

Find financial service companies offering home mortgages, home equity lines of credits, debt counseling, debt consolidation, debt management, and debt settlement. Compare and get free estimates.

Health and Medical

Shop for health and beauty services and products, including the VNUS Closure® Procedure, Medical Hair Restoration, and Cord Blood Registry®. Get free information and compare.


Compare policies offered by these insurance companies for children, disability, long term care, Medicare supplement, and smokers. Get info and free online quotes.



Find your own attorney to help you with common legal matters, like wills, letters, warranty, small claims problems, court, divorce, insurance, real estate, and government programs.

Personals and Dating

Search fun, safe online dating communities with personal ads and photos to connect with singles for dating, romance, friendship, and chat. It's easy to meet, chat, and instant message.


Find details on home, security services, systems and products providing 24 hour protection against burglary, carbon, fire, monoxide medical, and personal emergencies.


Vacations and Tourism

Offers tourism, vacation, and travel information to the best hotel and resort offering affordable luxury accommodations. Hotel beach rental reservations for travel available.



Offering consumers a guide to online services and products sorted by topic. Get complimentary info and quotes.