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  National Meteorological Programme

Image: lightning storm

The National Meteorological Programme (NMP) is a publicly funded operational and development programme that underpins every aspect of forecasting in the Met Office. It is through the NMP that the Met Office builds and continually enhances its capability to deliver environmental information and services.

Through interagency co-operation the NMP brings together measurements from around the world that are then used to run the complex models that predict what our weather and ocean systems will be like for the next few days.

Its core work is to:

  • provide routine weather observations, numerical weather and ocean forecast products and guidance to forecasters;
  • increase the scope, accuracy and detail of forecasts through an ongoing R&D programme;
  • represent the UK on international meteorological bodies such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

The currently agreed programme (PDF, 117 kb) covers the period April 2005 to March 2009

The Framework document (PDF, 1 Mb) contains our organisational mandate. It was last revised and published in April 1996 when we became a trading fund of the Ministry of Defence, and is currently under review.


The National Meteorological Service Commissioning Group (NMSCG) is responsible for overseeing the NMP on behalf of all customers of the Met Office, reporting to and advising the Under Secretary of State for Defence.

More about the NMSCG

Image: floodFunding

The NMP is funded mainly by the Ministry of Defence on behalf of Government, and the Civil Aviation Authority. Some research and development projects receive additional funding from other sources, including the EU. The current total NMP funding is approx. £77 million p.a.

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