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Herbalife Discount Products for sale all the Time!

All products 10% off retail+ No shipping + No Handling!

You want great products at great prices. That's what we deliver. At all products are always at a 10% discount. You don't pay that nasty handling fee other distributors charge, and you don't pay shipping on orders over $40. Plus you get the same great service you would expect for paying retail. Back all of that up with an iron clad 30 day guarantee and you can't lose.

So here is a little summary of all the great benefits you get at

If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach us by email or phone at 1-866-365-4120.

You can start shopping with the links below or on the left hand side.

Weight Management
All of Herbalife's top notch weight management programs. They are not just for losing weight, but staying fit too.


Outer Nutrition
Herbalife's complete secltion of hair body and skin essentials, including their newest line of Nourifusion products.


Targeted Nurition
Products to keep your mind and body in the best shape of your life. Including Mens and women's solutions, stress management, heart health, digestive health, and much much more.