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Russian Translation Resources
English into Russian
Translation Resources in USA
Russian into English
Established Russian translation practices in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic and North America with emphasis on legal, medical, technical, and scientific Russian translations
Translations from Russian to English performed in the United States in the area of technical and scientific Russian translation as well as in many other fields
Comprehensive English to Russian technical, scientific, and legal translation services, including immigration, IP, and patent-related materials; translation of complex technical manuals and drawings
Comprehensive Russian to English technical and legal translations, including IP and patent-related documents as well as a full range of U.S. immigration materials; technical manual translations
Professional Russian translators, experts in different areas of knowledge -- native speakers of the Russian language with complete fluency in English
Professional American translators, experts in different industries and translation subject areas -- native speakers of the English language with complete fluency in Russian
Local Russian translation teams working under supervision of translation managers trained by Language Solutions International
Translation teams working under direct supervision of Language Solutions translation managers in the United States
Communications network ensuring uninterrupted interaction between the company headquarters in the United States and the local Russian translation resources
Regular online training seminars, industry glossary updates, and performance reviews ensure the highest possible quality work by our translation specialists

Russian Translation Services At a Glance

- Russian Translation. Expert technical, scientific, legal (immigration) and medical translations, as well as translations in many other fields, between Russian and English. One of our professional specialties: translation of technical manuals, user guides, engeneering specifications. Translations are accurate and fast, regardless of translation volume or deadline, and always -- always! -- within the client-specified schedule. Expertly edited and scrupulously proofread. We do not use any machine translation tools.

- Ukrainian Translation. Ukrainian expert translations in all major subject areas. Handled with the same degree of expertise and mastery, this a relatively new extension to our Russian Translation branch.

- Russian and Ukrainian Website Translation. We provide expert Russian and Ukrainian website translations (both to and from English). The converted HTML code and other website page elements are delivered fully edited/proofread and in ready-to-upload electronic formats.

- Translation of Engineering Drawings. We use AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, and other sophisticated computer software tools to translate Russian or Ukrainian drawings.

- Translation of Personal Documents. We offer a wide array of certified personal Russian to English and English to Russian document translation services:

- personal correspondence
- USCIS (INS) and other immigration related documents
- international passports and driver's licences
- birth-, death-, divorce-, and marriage certificates
- translation services for adopting parents: letters to children, complete adoption dossiers, certified adoption certificates
- vaccination and medical records
- academic/scientific diplomas and education transcripts for submission to US Credentials Evaluation Services and other official institutions
- recommendation letters
- official translation of legal materials, including "no record" certificates from Russian/Ukrainian law enforcement organizations (police certificates), affidavits and prenuptial (premarital) agreements

The translated documents are certified. Certification is signed by the performing translator and attested by our company's official seal (it can also be notarized by a U.S. Notary Public, if needed).

- Editing and Proofreading. Complete independent Russian/Ukrainian editing and proofreading services are provided by professional editors and proofreaders with vast publishing house experiences in Russia and Ukraine.

- Desktop Publishing. Comprehensive DTP in Russian, Ukrainian and other languages.

- Electronic Artwork. Text-based graphics using the most advanced computer graphic tools in Russian, Ukrainian, and other languages.

- Interpreter Assisted 3-way (Conference) Calling. Planning a telephone conversation with your business associates or personal contacts in Russia or Ukraine? We will assist you in making those important phone calls by providing you with our highly professional over-the-phone translation (interpreting) service.

- Any other Russian translation function you might need. Our client support is superior in the U.S. language translation industry. To discuss any particular question or just get a translation quote, you can talk online, via our dedicated live chat service, with one of our language translation specialists; or you can send us an e-mail, knowing that the reply will arrive within minutes (literally!); or you can call us with anything of interest, and your call will never be put on hold. We are standing by to provide you with prompt, precise, and clear answers!
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Our new Reference Desk is coming on line in the very near future. This will be a rather complete collection of topics related to our visitors’ specific translation needs -- be it a complex technical manual, a legal document, academic diploma / transcript, a medical / vaccination record, or business, as well as personal correspondence.

The topics will be about Russian and Ukrainian translations, not just any translation.

We will briefly cover:

Cyrillic technical (encoding) issues.
“Russian or Ukrainian” translation dilemma.
Machine translation vs. human translation.
Transliteration of Russian and Ukrainian proper names.
What is the Apostille certificate and what institutions issue these important documents? (Our translation company does not issue Apostilles - we translate and certify our translation of Apostille certificates.)
Foreign educational credential evaluation: what institutions prepare evaluation reports to establish the comparability of foreign educational credentials to U. S. high school diplomas and college/university and scientific degrees? (Our translation company does not perform this function, but we translate and certify our translation of Russian and Ukrainian academic documents.)
Should the translations of official documents be notarized? We will explain.

We will cover these and many other important topics to make your translation experience with our company complete and rewarding.

We invite you to re-visit our website in a near future to take advantage of this translation related source of information.

In the meantime, please feel free to ask us these or any other questions.

We pick and publish the most interesting articles on language translation, linguistics, language teaching and language learning. We also offer selected materials on history, culture and contemporary social life of East European countries, such as Russia and Ukraine.
