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Advertising Opportunities

There's is no better place
for your company's message than in magazines. Magazine readers take the time to explore their passions by taking in the latest news from their favorite titles. They love the many dimensions- the visual, the feel, the education, the smell, the escape of the magazine experience. Magazines offer the opportunity to target products or services to a highly specific audience that would be sure to benefit from your offering--one whose interest and involvement make them highly valuable customers!  

A recent study of 186 brands over a seven year period shows that: *

  • Magazine advertising produced a higher return on investment than other media studied, second only to trade promotion.

  • Magazine advertising improved the return on investment of both trade promotion and TV advertising.

  • Scheduling magazines and TV together improved the return on investment for both media.

  • These results were consistent regardless of brand's budgets, longevity, category rank or seasonality. And, these results were consistent with findings from other studies.

Because more consumers report that they "often purchase a product as a direct result of magazine advertising" **

  • Consumers trust and believe the advertising in magazines more than in other media.

  • Consumers state that magazines are the medium that is most tailored to their interests and provides the most relevant information.

  • Consumers are more likely to pay attention to advertising in their favorite magazines than on their favorite TV shows or web sites.

  • Consumers don't find magazine advertising "annoying" compared to advertising in or on other media. 

City Circulation Group, our parent company has a great way for advertisers to connect with customers, increase sales and build your consumer franchise.

  • Advertise in Our Featured Publications
    If you're interested in exploring print advertising opportunities in any of the magazines listed on our site, City Circulation Group can help you get in touch with the advertising sales professional at your preferred publication. To get started with a magazine that can provide the perfect target for your advertising message and can offer rich promotional opportunities for your company, click here to request a media kit, advertising information or more details.

*    Source: Measuring the Mix, an MPA multi-media accountability research study.
**  Source: Media Choices, an MPA multi-media study focusing on consumer's relationship with media and the impact of those relationships.

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