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Home Improvement Guide.

Here's a couple of suggestions that require a minimum amount of time and expense to complete and can make your house stand out from the competition.

The First Impression
Did you know that within 15 seconds a buyer has already developed an opinion of your property? This is why giving the right first impression is critical to achieving a successful sale. Following is a list of elements which create the overall first impression and can make sure the buyer reacts as favorably as possible.

Curb Appeal
Everything from the street to your doorstep effects people's impression. For this reason, you must make sure each component of the visual landscape looks its best, not just your lawn and garden. Make sure the street in front of your house is free of litter or debris. If necessary, give it a fresh sweep. Although you do not own the fire hydrant in front of your house, you should still be concerned about how it looks. If it needs a freshening up, get permission from your town and paint it. Sweep your sidewalk and remove weeds that may be growing between the cracks.

A freshly painted fence gives a home a crisp look. Don't let a peeling fence or stand between a prospective buyer and a positive first impression. A quick painting of an old mailbox will let the buyer know you care about the details. If outdoor lamps look rusted and worn out, new ones will cast a positive light on your property.

Neatly trimmed shrubs and a well manicured lawn are essential. Taking the time to do this costs little, but has a big impact. Besides being freshly mowed and trimmed, a lawn should look healthy. If there are spots that look beyond help, a little sod goes a long way to restoring the look of a well-maintained lawn.

Your walkway should be clean and free of weeds. If sections are badly cracked, consider having them repaired. As for the driveway there are two elements of the driveway with which you should be concerned. The first is its surface condition. If stained or otherwise worn-looking, consider resealing it with a high quality sealer product. Second is the appearance of the car parked in the driveway. A newly waxed, well-maintained automobile will make such a different statement about you and your property than an unattractive, poorly cared for car. If you think your car will be a detriment to the look of your property, park it down the street.

A fresh coat of paint can be one of the best investments you can make to increase the value of your property. If you do not want to spend the money to paint the entire house, consider just the shutters or the front of the house. If you have vinyl or aluminum siding, have a cleaning service wash or repaint it using a product designed for these materials.

Attractive windows can help increase the appeal of your property. Replace any cracked or broken glass and make sure the windows are sparkling clean. Think about adding shutters to the front of your house or installing window boxes with bright flowers.

The roof may be the single most important aspect of your home front.
Replace any broken or missing shingles or tiles and repair flashing where needed. Paint eaves and fascia boards and If the roof is old and needs to be replaced, consider having the work done before showing the property.

Neat and trim-looking gutters and downspouts make a house look shipshape. Consider replacing highly visible ones if they are in need of serious repair. If run off areas are eroded, you can install concrete (or other) “spillways.”

The doorway is the focal point of your house. So repaint the door and apply new door hardware. Maybe, install a brass kick plate. Replace house numbers. Or Put a flower box or planter alongside the door.

By showing attention to detail you can dramatically increase the saleability of your property.