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Deer Hunting Tips & Techniques

Trophy Whitetail Areas - by T.R. Michels

If you are interested in a trophy whitetail buck you should start by researching the record books of individual states, and the Pope and Young and Boone and Crockett records. A few years ago I checked the record books prior to 1988. At that time there were 12 states and provinces that had produced more than 60 record book heads. more...

Featured Deer Products
Pak-It Deer Guide
The PAK-IT Guide™ to Field Dressing a Deer supplies practical step by step assistance in proper field dressing.

Wildlife Art
Large assortment of quality prints by well known artists at great prices. Check them out

Videos and DVDs
Wide selection of deer hunting and instructional videos and dvd's, all at great prices

This patented recognition feedback program lets you compare your deer and elk calls to the pros. Contains over one hour of tips, techniques and calling secrets
Click on the picture or title above for more information


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