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Alaska Fishing and Lodging on the banks of the Kenai River. Vacation rental cabins and guided fishing from our lodge in Soldotna.

Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker • 1-800-622-1177

Arctic Grayling

Alaska fishing for grayling

Arctic Grayling is distinguished from trout and char by a prominent dorsal fin. They prefer cold, clear streams and are very sensitive to pollution.

For those who may be inclined to venture out on their own, you can find Grayling in Grayling Lake (Mile 13.3) on the Seward Highway where the trailhead will lead you about 1.6 miles to the lake. Or, if you prefer a longer hike, Crescent Lake has a large sustainable population of grayling. Access to Crescent Lake is from the Carter Lake trailhead at mile 33.1 on the Seward Highway. The trail leads 3 miles to the lake inlet.

Kenai Season:

Year round.

Average Run Size, Fish Size & Records

For More Information

Fishing Gear & Methods

Their diet is mainly insects, hence fly fishing is effective. But they will eat almost anything so small spinners and spoons are also effective.



Alaska fishing and lodging on the Kenai RIver.
Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker,
33361 Keystone Drive, Soldotna, Alaska 99669


© 2003-2006, Alaska Fishing with Mark Glassmaker
This site developed by Philip R. Gantt

Additional Lodging Information

Alaska fishing and lodging on the Kenai River.