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Disc Golf

If you are among the thousands of fans of this fast growing sport, you can't miss the Huntington Beach Disc Golf Course in Central Park. Surf City is home to "the most beautiful disc golf course in Southern California," according to AOL CityGuide.

For the uninitiated, you might think that Frisbee and golf are at the opposite ends of the sports spectrum. A casual, inexpensive disc game with a hippie past and no uniform requirements versus a serious money-draining game that is gear-intensive and course-dependent. But leave it to Southern California to combine the two!

The terminology, scoring and rules of disc golf are similar to regular golf. Players throw their discs at an aboveground basket surrounded by metal chains, trying to match – or beat – the “par” number of throws per “hole.” Just as with golf, one uses different sorts of discs depending on the shot. Serious competitors use thicker “putter” discs for short distances and thinner “drivers” for longer shots.

Today, disc golf is one of the fastest-growing alternative sports in the country, and among those addicted to the sport, it’s no secret that Huntington Beach is a disc golf hotbed.

The Huntington Beach Disc Golf Course overlooks a lake and is a disc throw from the beach. Seasoned disc golfers and novices alike will enjoy 5,400 feet of play space that can expand to 6,100 feet for tournament play. The course, with 18 “holes,” starts on a hilltop and winds down shaded fields. It was designed by Ed Headrick, disc golf founder, and opened in 1977 – the second disc golf course in the U.S. (the first was in Pasadena, built in 1976). It features a pro shop that sells and trades golf discs and a concession stand that offers snacks and beverages.

Two-round tournaments are held on the first Saturday of each month beginning at 10 a.m. All divisions are welcome. In addition, a weekly amateur league meets Wednesday afternoons.

Disc golf attracts people from all walks of life – at all levels of ability and physical fitness. Sure, it’s a “real” sport. It’s also a good way to get exercise while enjoying fresh air, a sport that the entire family can play together and a fun way to spend the morning or afternoon with friends.

Disc golf is just another fun and unique thing to do in Huntington Beach, the classic California beach community. Combine it with more than eight miles of white sandy beaches, surf and boardwalk and you’ve got a perfect vacation.

Contact Information
Huntington Beach Disc Golf
18381 Golden West Street
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Tel:(714) 425-9931

Business Hours
Open daily: 10am-Dusk

Located on Goldenwest Street between Talbert and Ellis.

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