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Grunion Run

Grunion are small silvery fish averaging 5" -6" in length that jump completely out of the water and spawn only at night on Southern California beaches. Grunion lay their eggs in the wet sand for a few hours on six to eight nights per month from March through August, following the highest tide associated with a full or new moon.

When the grunion are running, you can stand in the shallow shoreline and grab them with your bare hands and put them in a bucket. (However, please respect the "no-take" season posted on the California Department of Fish and Game website.) The fish time their arrival after the peak of the high tide. This insures their eggs will have sufficient time to develop before the next spring tides arrive approximately 10-14 days later.

Grunion may be taken by sport fishers using their hands only. No holes may be dug in the beach to entrap them. There is no limit, but please take only what you can use. A fishing license is required for persons 16 years and older. You do not need a license to observe a run, but if you plan to interact with the fish in any way, even if you do not plan to keep any fish, you will need a license. Hunting for grunion after the beach has closed for the night is only permitted at the shoreline if you have a fishing license.

When is the next expected Grunion Run? The California Department of Fish and Game posts the information about expected runs each January. You can find that information at their website at For local information, contact the Huntington Beach Lifeguards at 714-536-5281.

A fishing license can be obtained for a day or longer from these Huntington Beach stores:
Big 5 Sporting Goods, 18595 Beach Boulevard, 714-848-3493
Mako Matt's Marine, 16033 Bolsa Chica Street, 714-840-0696
Pacific Edge, 5042 Edinger Avenue, 714-840-4262
Sport Chalet, 16242 Beach Boulevard, 714-848-0988

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