Burn Scars, Keloid Treatment with Snail
Extract Cream
A sensible natural skin care solution by "a prince of sorts"...
Nature holds pearls of wisdom that enhance life's splendors. Elicina®
is just one of them. A natural skin care product for burn skin
and burn scars.
Contains the most valued bio-available skin care ingredients,
combined in one substance by nature’s wisdom itself. Beautifies and regenerates skin's appearance affected by
keloids, crusty scales and more...
"I love your product. I see a great improvement on my burn scars of
35 years ago (2nd/3rd degree burn scars on left upper arm) using
your product for over two months now. My scars have a smoother
appearance. It has not completely gone away but it certainly looks
better. I have also used your product for an open wound (size of a
pencil eraser) on a black mole removed by my doctor. The stitches
tore open. This product healed my wound faster than it would with an
OTC prescription. I am allergic to Neosporin that made it worse.
I'll continue to use the product. Thank you so much!" Mary Santos.
"I have been using Elicina on my son for 5 weeks and my husband and
I have noticed a dramatic difference in the texture and appearance
of his skin. My son is two and a half years old and suffered a third
degree burn to his right shoulder after pulling a kettle of boiling
over himself when he was 20 months old! Thank you for your
miraculous cream and for putting a smile back on our faces again!
You have created wonders for us so far, hence I feel devoted to you!
With many thanks and best wishes!" Maeve Quinn. United Kingdom.
Effect on Burns. Keloid Scars and
Skin Color
Research Study
Authors: Mariela González, Pilar Egaña, Natalia Muñoz, Paz Correa.
Performed by the Occupational Therapy Unit of COANIQUEM, a Chilean
Corporation that helps burned children in Chile.
The Corporation Pro Help for burned child COANIQUEM, is a private
nonprofit Chilean entity, who's main concern is focused on the
integral rehabilitation of burned children. It has two
rehabilitation centers in Chile, one located in Santiago and the
other in Antofagasta. Both receive burned children from all the
country as well as from neighboring countries (Argentina, Bolivia
and Peru).The ethics committee of COANIQUEM, authorized a protocol's design to
evaluate a cosmetic product derived from the Chilean snail extract,
which is commercialized, with an authorization from The Chilean
Institute of Public Health, under the name of ELICINA®.
September 1999
October 2000 Compression was also applied.
This clinical study was
done in the Occupational Therapy Unit of the Rehabilitation Center for
burned children in Santiago, under the supervision of the Investigation
Extension and Academic Direction of COANIQUEM. The study was previously
authorized in writing by the participating patient's parents. The study
began on August 1999 and concluded in March 2000.
Below: Female 20 years old when she
was included
Photo 1: Sept. 27, 1999: hairline scar, thickened and soft
Photo 2: Jan 14, 2000: soft, flat scar, similar color compared to normal
skin without any additional treatment, except Elicina


The result of this clinical study concludes that ELICINA® cream can
help in the treatment of burned children with hypertrophic scars and/or
grafts, independent of the affected body zone (face, neck and hands).
The cream acts favoring loss of pigmentation in scars and grafts and
helping the quality of graft texture. 27% showed increase in all the
evaluated aspects, 66% showed changes in two aspects and the rest
showed no changes. Regarding pigmentation, 77,7% showed a significant
decrease. No side effects whatsoever were observed using ELICINA.
Elicina successfully repairs scarring on burned skin. Severe
burning is one of the most traumatic dermal experiences one can
endure. If Elicina fundamentally improves burned, traumatized skin...
imagine how it can repair and restore healthy skin.
Nature's Skin Care Masterpiece for a Healthy Skin
Click price in USA dollars to order
One Jar: 40 grams = 1.3 oz
Two Jars: $29.50 each
You Save $19
WordWideOptions. Standard UPS/DHL $6 USA; Canada & United Kingdom $9; additional jar $4
We only intend to promote health and wellness. For medical
conditions, please consult your physician or other health care
Toll Free Ordering US/Canada 1-800-368-6693 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
Fax 1 7752010294
UK 08714741824 Monday-Friday 1pm-8pm BST - Fax
Worldwide 17029470567
Questions? Please
contact us
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Click Elicina for concise info/ordering options in your emailbox.
Certified Seller Safe, Honest, & Guaranteed:

BioSkinCare 1802 North Carson St. Suite 108, Carson City, Nevada
89701, USA
Product of Chile. Patent N°38615, protected by The World Intellectual
Property Organization, Geneva Switzerland.
© 1999-2005
can Elicina® Cream help you with:
stretch marks
acne scars
acne treatment
keloid scars
skin burns
keratosis pilaris
wrinkles, spots
skin care for men
scar tissue
burns & surgical scars
cystic acne
facial scars
cosmetic surgery scars
scars post plastic surgery
scars surgery
ingrown hairs
actinic keratosis
mark removal
acne treatments
natural skin
I first tried your product
using only one jar to help with a chemical burn on scalp.
It worked some, but then went back to my previous condition.
However, after reading your site about how at least 2 jars are
needed to have a noticeable improvement, I purchased 2 jars. And
indeed, after finishing both jars, I have a noticeable
improvement. Though I wish I could snap my fingers to have
this problem go away, I guess I will have to be adequately
satisfied with your incredible godsend of a product. For the
first time in several years, I feel hope. Thank you. John
Briscoe. CA, USA.