Latest News |
Monday, March 20, 2006 |
Tax Filing Season Quick Links |
| Need Forms? Information? Help with your Connecticut income tax return? Select the link above for information and links from the Department of Revenue Services. |
Wednesday, March 15, 2006 |
Connecticut Hall of Fame Established to Recognize Achievements of Connecticut Individuals |
| Members of the Connecticut Hall of Fame Committee and legislative leaders have formally unveiled plans for the creation of the Connecticut Hall of Fame to recognize the outstanding achievements of Connecticut individuals. Nominees must be current or former residents of Connecticut who have performed outstanding service to our state or nation and are known throughout the state for that service or, if nonresidents, must be eminently distinguished through their work that has brought honor or distinction to Connecticut or has contributed to our state’s heritage. Posthumous nominations are also acceptable. Select the link above for information on the program and how to submit a nomination! |
Thursday, March 09, 2006 |
Department of Environmental Protection Offers Fishing, Boating and Hunting Safety Classes |
| Boating, Fishing and Conservation Education/Firearms Safety Classes are being offered by the Department of Environmental Protection. Select the link above to learn more about class offerings. |
Thursday, March 09, 2006 |
Connecticut Career Fairs Being Held Throughout the State - Learn More Today! |
| Over the past year, 12,000 job seekers and 500 employers participated in Connecticut Career Fairs! Upcoming Career Fairs, sponsored by the State Department of Labor, are scheduled throughout the state, including Manchester, New London, Danbury, Fairfield, and Cromwell. Learn more about these events and how you can take part today! |
Friday, February 24, 2006 |
Governor Rell Accepting Nominations for Veterans Hall of Fame |
| Governor M. Jodi Rell announced that she is accepting new nominations to the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame. Ten Connecticut veterans are inducted each year, with the ceremony taking place annually around Veterans Day. Select the link above for more information.
Monday, February 20, 2006 |
Stay Safe Online with CT.Gov/Cybersafe |
| CT.Gov/Cybersafe was lauched by Governor M. Jodi Rell in October 2005 to help residents learn more about using the internet safely and responsibly. The site contains resources for parents, educators and students, as well as small business owners. Visit today to learn about how to stay safe online!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006 |
State Library Makes Historical Editions of the Hartford Courant Available |
| The Connecticut State Library’s iCONN project now includes a digitized archive of historical editions of the Hartford Courant. The archive includes over 280,000 pages of text from 1764 through 1922 and is available to all Connecticut residents, schools, and libraries throug
Tuesday, January 31, 2006 |
Department of Labor Speakers Bureau Program - Learn More Today |
| The Department of Labor Speaker’s Bureau Program provides speakers for employers, workers and workforce development professionals. Request a speaker online to learn more about employment law compliance, worker health and safety, labor market information, workforce development, unemployment insurance and more. |