 | Spray Green
 Required Capital: $125,000 - $150,000 Units: 26 Required Net Worth: N/A Started: 2003 | Spray Green is the Highest Profit / Lowest Overhead franchise available in the landscape industry today!... | Email A Friend | More Info |

Spray Green has spent over 20 wonderful years serving the special needs of the landscape industry. We at Spray Green have spent years perfecting our product making it the only one in the market which is a complete lawn care product as well as complete pest control. Spray Green is the latest and greatest development in the organic landscaping industry. This product is easy to apply, very effective, with high profit margins, and you have an unlimited client base in the billion dollar lawn care industry!
Consider the Advantages of Spray Green:
Every lawn needs it!
- Low Overhead!
- Low Maintenance!
- Fail Safe!
- Absolutely…Positively…the Number One Rated Juice on Demand!
- Wouldn't it be great to be the only supply in demand? Well, now you can!
The Product:
Spray Green is a revolutionary patented liquid fertilizer which is proven to be environmentally safe for the entire landscape including lawns, shrubs, flowers and trees….as well as safe for kids and pets.
With Spray Green… it's all in the juice!
The application:
Spray Green offers the highest quality equipment in the industry which makes applying the product as simple as 1, 2, 3... One liquid does it all. It fertilizes the landscape while acting as an organic pesticide! The product is easily applied just like watering your lawn. This product will revolutionize the landscape industry! Anyone can own a truck, anyone can own a spray rig but nobody can make green like Spray Green.
The package:
Purchasing a Spray Green franchise includes all the necessary tools for you to begin your business immediately. We offer the truck, the equipment, hands on training, 24 hour support as well as exclusive marketing ideas that are proven successful. Spray Green franchises require a low investment while giving you a high return.
At Spray Green… ”your success is our success” Spray Green is seeking partners who demonstrate a commitment to superior service by supplying you with the necessary tools and support needed to grow your own franchise. Contact us today for information about owning a Spray Green franchise. |