Saltwater Fishing Reports
Saltwater Fishing Reports posted by saltwater charters, guides and everyday anglers. Find out what's biting or what lures are hot right now. Stay one step ahead of fish and check out our daily updated
Saltwater fishing reports. Post your own reports and keep your fellow anglers informed on what fish are biting. Also share a little know how by using our Fishing Reports submission form to post some saltwater tips. At Fintalk we encourage you to post reports so all Fin Talk anglers can get information that will help them have a successful day on the water. Whether it's striper, marlin, or tuna, if you have a report you can post it right here on FinTalk Saltwater Fishing Reports.
UPDATE - Fall striper fishing is just around the corner and we will be ready with plenty of striper reports.
Fishing Reports
Older Fishing Reports
Saltwater Fishing Articles
Can't wet a line or go fishin today? Perfect time to catch-up on current saltwater fishing news or read a few
saltwater fishing articles. Because has all around sportsmen we offer more than just fish articles. We also have
hunting articles and
conservation articles that address a wide range of topics.
Whatever current recreational outdoors sports issues are we will bring you headlines that sportsmen find interesting. For instance, our saltwater fishing articles are based on a wide range of topics from recent fishin records to fish re-stocking efforts. These are important topics you can be informed about when you checkout's saltwater fishing articles and sportsmen's news!
Saltwater Fishing Articles
Milkfish on a Fly: Mar. 12, 2006 One of the exciting prospects of being a fly fisher is taking new species, developing new or modifying existing fly patterns to suit local conditions and situation. The spectrum is almost unlimited, Bait fish, Crabs, Shrimps, Weed, Insects and the list goes on. By Craig Jenkins
A Day on the Wenlock River: Mar. 12, 2006 Only an hour drive north of Weipa is Gloughs Landing on the banks of the Wenlock River. Although I have fished the Wenlock on many occasions over the years, it's still a mysterious river holding secrets that only time on the river can unlock. By Craig Jenkins
Fishing Charters Milwaukee May and June Presentation Tips #7: Mar. 12, 2006 Lake Michigan Fishing Tips #7 and #8 This time period provides great action on Brown trout, Chinooks, Coho and Rainbows. Browns, at this time of the year, will come on similar presentations, lures and locations as I described in the last articles. By Captain Jim Hirt
Charter Fishing Milwaukee Lake Michigan: Mar. 12, 2006 Lure set ups TIP #4 - What we are looking for is the right color, size and lure action that will get your target species to strike. By Capt. Jim Hirt
Fishing Alaska - Affordable for Everyone: Mar. 12, 2006 Everybody fantasizes about the incredible fishing that they'll someday experience when their dream of fishing Alaska finally comes true. By Tim Stenros
The Day of the 67 Pound Cobia: Mar. 5, 2006 A few minutes later he says he thought he saw a Cobia swim by and about that time, down goes his cork, quiet as you please. Seconds later this very large Cobia swims up to the top (not knowing that he was 'hooked' yet). By Captain Jake Herrin
Marine Weather Reports
Marine weather reports include NOAA buoy data observations with water temperatures, wave heights, and swell intervals for charter boats heading offshore sport fishing. The marine weather reports cover the Atlantic and Pacific oceans for every region like the Cape Hatteras Outer Banks in North Carolina, the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia and Maryland, and both coasts of Florida. Whether you are recreational anglers, commercial fishermen, or fishing charters our marine weather reports will give you important marine fishing forecasts before you launch. Don't put lives at risk, get updated marine weather reports before you leave the dock.
Marine Weather Reports
Buoy Data Observations
Fishing Knots
Been tying that same old fisherman's knot over and over for every species? The fisherman's knot, also known as a clinch knot is a good knot but not for every situation. Different species and different situations call for different
fishing knots. Tuna fisherman need have little interest in knots used by trout fisherman, who, in turn, uses knots that are not necessarily suitable for bream fisherman. All sportsmen should have at least 3 or 4 fishing knots in their arsenal that they can quickly tie.
Likewise you should feel confident in your knot and know that it won't come loose when you hook a big daddy? See our knot library for detailed instructions on tying fishing knots. Why take chances losing lunkers because you had a granny knot? Whether it's a snell knot, bimini twist, palomar knot, or offshore swivel knot,
we have know how on these and many more knots for you. Also some basic must know knots for the boat.
Fishing Knots
Saltwater Tide Predictions
So you have your marine weather reports and your sportfishing trip is a go. Now you need your Tidal Predictions for that extra edge so your trip will be successful. Your buddies said they hit the striped bass on the end of the out going tide. When is high tide or slack tide even? No matter what region you fish we have Saltwater Tide Predictions for your area. Get tide predictions for Oregon Inlet in North Carolina to Indian River Lagoon in Florida to 3000 other USA tide stations.
Tidal Predictions
Sea Surface Temperatures
Sea Surface Temperatures for Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Coastal regions. As long as there isn't cloud cover you can get daily SST Charts . AND coming SOON we will have a completely updated version of Sea Surface Temperature charts that will have GPS, Navigation, & Long/Lat capabilities!
Sea Surface Temperatures
Fish and Game
Get Fish and Game Regulations for all 50 states. Use these resources to access your states fish and game sites to find important information, including when open season on certain fish species begins or ends and what the minimum sizes and daily bag limits are.There's Texas fishing, South Carolina fishing and info for every state. In addition to state regulations you can learn fun fish and game information such as current Saltwater Fishing Records and what angler holds the current record for the fish common to your area whether it is flounder, redfish, or marlin. Go here for
Fish and Game Resources
Fish Identification
Identify unknown species or simply learn more facts about species you recognize like flounder or rockfish. Check out our Fish Identification and learn feeding habits, swim range, ideal temperature and other fast facts about fish species that roam our North American Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Use our fish species database to learn about a variety of fish species. If you are saltwater fishing regularly then you will catch an unknown fishing sooner or later. When you do......
Go here for
Fish Indentification
Fishing Message Boards
Saltwater Fishing Forum - Fintalk's featured forum is the perfect place to discuss all aspects of recreational fly, surf, pier, or sport fishing. Our forum is a great place to shoot the breeze with your fellow saltwater sportsmen from hot spots like Hatteras or Wilmington in NC, Reedsville, Deltaville, or Virginia Beach in VA, and places from Charleston to Fort Pierce and more.
Our Fishing Message Boards are for discussing everything from saltwater fishing reports to fishing in the Chesapeake Bay to flats fishing in Florida. Post saltwater reports, tips, or know how so other anglers can get updates for their region. Have a BIG CATCH but can't wait to brag about it? Want to find some
Discuss all these topics plus many others in our forum right now, even create your own
Photo Album or bragging board so others can see your catch too. Also read saltwater reports posted by saltwater fishing charters that post in the forum. Go here for
Fishing Message Boards
Fishing Charters
Find charter fishing boats for Alabama to Florida to
North Carolina and all regions north and south including Maryland and Chesapeake Bay fishing charters too. We have charter and guide listings for saltwater fishing hot spots in every salt water state in the USA.
Saltwater Fishing Charters Featured Fishing Charters and Business Directory for Sportsmen. This is a directory for outdoor recreational related businesses such as
fishing charters, Saltwater Fishing Guides, and other related services. For instance, if you catch a once-in-a-lifetime trophy fish you may want to create a beautiful record of it for your wall so you will need taxidermy services. Or you can check out what the best saltwater fishing charters are for yellowfin or other saltwater game fish. The directory has more than Saltwater Fishing Charters too, maybe what you're targeting isn't an offshore gamefish at all and services of an inshore saltwater guide will suffice just fine.
For all sportsmen's products and services you may need whether it is saltwater charters, saltwater guides, custom rods, or gear Fintalk will bring you reputable recreational business products or services. So next time you need
saltwater fishing charters, salt water fishing guides, or general outdoors equipment or services check out
The Fintalk Charter & Guides Directory:
Charter Fishing Boats, Directory & Sportsman's Business Listings.
Sportsman's Classifieds
Looking to buy or sell a boat? How about an outboard motor, rodnreel, or hunting gear? Use our fishing classifieds to buy and sell these items and others like marine electronics, tackle, tools, trucks, and camping gear. Enhance your classified ad by using our photo upload feature to increase your chances of a quick sale by over 150%.
Sportsman's Classifieds
World Weather Reports
In addition to our marine weather reports we have our land lovers weather forecast. This weather in combination with our buoy data and marine weather report has you covered worldwide. Whether it's saltwater fishing in Florida for flounder or fishing the Gulf Stream for marlin you can get an updated fishing forecast. In addition to marine weather this forecast features live radar, satellite loops, current conditions, and long range forecasts.
Weather Report and Forecast
Event Calendar
Check out our outdoors event calendar. If it's asaltwater fishing event then you will know about it. If it's not on the calendar then you are welcome to post it. Here you may post saltwater fishing tournament dates, boat show dates, gun show dates, and even outdoor sports related television shows you feel sportsmen like yourself may be interested in.
Event Calendar
Fishing Maps
It doesn't matter what region you fish because we have saltwater fishing maps for all oceans. You can easily view these saltwater fishing maps by simply knowing zip codes for areas you are going to fish. Find maps of Hatteras Inlet NC to Charleston SC and every other inlet along our coastlines. In addition to nautical charts you can view Topo Maps, Aeronautical Charts, and Naval Photos. All charts and maps are easily printed which can be saved on your hard drive for future use. Just another tool for your saltwater fishing arsenal.
Nautical Charts
Fishing Pictures
OK fellow anglers now you can back up your
fish stories by uploading your fishing pictures into our Gallery! We have created a few different categories so all your sporting pictures have a place. We have categories for inshore and offshore saltwater fishing pictures and we have a category for freshwater pictures too. You can upload all your pictures with ease and if you would like you may create your very own.
Fin Talk Saltwater Fishing Pictures
Lunar Tables
Check out our monthly Lunar Tables and
see if the "man in the moon" is with you on your next
saltwater fishing trip. Another great tool for your
fishing arsenal.
This Month's Lunar Table