Web crawl snapshots generously donated from Accelovation. This data is currently not publicly accessible.
From the site:
Accelovation is pioneering the delivery of Insight Discovery? software solutions that help companies move from innovation idea to product reality faster and with more success.
Our solutions are used by leading firms in the Fortune 500 and beyond ? companies from a diverse set of industries ranging from consumer packaged goods to high tech, foods to chemicals, and others. We help them mine the online world for market and technical insights to help speed the process of innovation.
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20060325183254/http://www.whatbooks.com/store/0229548/software.html
Windows 95,Windows 98,Windows Me
Westward, Ho! Are you ready to travel the Oregon Trail? It's going to take insight and careful planning to choose the right traveling companions, gear, and supplies
With countless unpredictable hazards, like swollen rivers, poisonous creatures, unavoidable accidents and deadly diseases; you'll have to strategize and make quick decisions
PC: Pentium 166MHz processor; Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP; 120MB free hard disk space; 32MB RAM; 8x speed CD-ROM drive; 16-bit color; sound card; speakers and mouse
Mac: Power PC 180MHz processor; System 8.6-9.2.2; OSx120MB free hard disk space; 32MB RAM; 8x speed CD-ROM drive; 16-bit monitor; sound card; speakers and mouse
For Mac and PC
List price:
Our price:
(You save: $
24.99 )
Windows Me,Windows XP,Windows 2000,Windows 98,Windows NT
When the king and queen go on vacation, young Fritz is left in charge of the castle. As he explores his surroundings, he'll learn all about chess, from the basics to advanced strategies -- and so will you!
Discover 7 great arcade-style games that introduce chess fundamentals and advanced concepts
Fun characters like Fritz and Chesster make learning the game fun and interesting for children
Also includes a one-year membership to playchess.com
List price:
Our price:
(You save: $
5 )
Award-winning, futuristic math adventure tool that builds math confidence and skill
System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP, Pentium II or equivalent 400MHz or faster, 128MB RAM, 300 MB on hard drive, DirectX 9
Additional System Requirements: DirectX-compatible video card with 32MB Memory, 24x CD ROM, 16-bit color @ 800 x 600 screen resolution, DirectX-compatible sound card
List price:
Our price:
(You save: $
2 )
Contains: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup
List price:
Our price:
(You save: $
3 )
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