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The Sims 2: Open for Business Expansion Pack Platform:
Windows XP Features:
A new radio station featuring famous bands singing in "Simlish"
The third expansion pack for The Sims 2
Turn your Sims' skills and hobbies into careers - even children can get run a business!
Cultivate an audience for your wares, from window shoppers to niche markets
125 new items to decorate your Sim's house or business
The third expansion pack for The Sims 2
Turn your Sims' skills and hobbies into careers - even children can get run a business!
Cultivate an audience for your wares, from window shoppers to niche markets
125 new items to decorate your Sim's house or business
A new radio station featuring famous bands singing in "Simlish" Rating:
Average Customer Rating:
My Expierence Of The Sims 2 Open For Business
I like this game in thesims2.com there are videos all about the basics about the expansion packs,stuff packs and about the sims 2 running a home business is hard however because your sims do so much stuff that they could not manage it but if you save time for your sim to manage a home business you might as well exactly help your sim manage it do not leave your costumers alone because the stuff that they already bought they will drop the plastic bags with the stuff that they already bought it is just the same as running a busines at the community lot that the sim purchased promote only the people who really work hard also you might as well give them a break or let them stay home for the day restock the items also if your employees are just playing or not doing anything or not just taking it seriously you might as well fire them sometimes in the business perks you have to pick the one with more value and quality for the customers if you make discounts in your shop there might be a chance for more coustomers to come in your store you may like to also make your prices cheap also people like stores with cheap prices always help your coustomers and make sure you have enough employees make sure your in the right track of having employees and managing your business the best store is with the best profit remember follow the right track!
Get ready to get down to business
"Open for Business" is a great expansion for you and your sims you only require the Sims 2 to play this great expansion. If you like making a big business empire or driving other people's business down the drain this is the thing for you!
Open for business has great graphics. New objects such as.... *Flower Arranging work station to arrange the most exotic flowers in a great big vase.
*An electronics work station to create robots that help or destroy you with your life.
*Toy crafting work station to invent the most craziest toys like.. evil jack in a box.. electricuting kites and much, much more....
Get this game or preorder it and get a free download with mascot suits!!
Enjoy! Happy Simming
Great marketing ploy...
Each expansion adds just enough extras to make ya dole out the cash and keep coming back for more..lol
I only give this one four stars instead of five due to game programming glitches and a few things that just don't make any sense within the game.
One glitch happened when my Sim was taking her toddler to the potty. After bending down to place the toddler on the potty, the toddler's sprite melded within the torso of mom Sim's sprite, so instead the toddler was sitting inside of mom's body while going wee wee. When the kid was done, it crawled out of mom onto the floor. Strangest thing to see, but glitch it was..lol.
Some things that don't make sense within the game are-
*Sims cannot eat the bakery items purchased at a store.
*One 'kids store' boasts in its description about having everything a child could need, including kids clothing, but when a Sim visits the store, most of the shelves are empty and there aren't any kids clothes at all.
*I cannot find an "industrial" stove anywhere within buy or build mode for use in a bakery business.
*Everything the stores do have for sale (with the exception of games and magazines), you can purchase directly through Buy/Build mode, so why bother going to the store only to find the same items (objects). The game should have seperate 'store exclusive' merchandise that can't be purchased without going to the store which carries it, otherwise it makes going to the store pointless.
Even with the glitches and nonsensical situations, its still fun to play. I can't seem to get enough of The Sims 2 in general and look forward to the next expansion. (Nicer hairstyles/clothing for the women would be great...hint, hint Maxis) I used to be a Harry Potter game fan, until EA really bombed out on the latest Potter product, The Goblet of Fire. Bought The Sims 2 hoping for the best and got more than expected, now I'm a truly happy gaming-camper again (..goodbye forever Potter, hello Sims!).
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