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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20060325184350/http://www.whatbooks.com/2005/saturday.php
A complete waste of time. McEwan has done much better -- "Atonement," for example. The characterizations were thin and the story simply boring and predictable with enough sidetracks to make another not very interesting book. It was difficult to finish. I felt like stopping numerous times but kept thinking it might get better or "pay off" in some way -- it doesn't. There are too many better books to waste time on this one.
Drivel, Boring, Dull, Not Worth My Time
This book was a major disappointment. It had great reviews and a great rating from a major book store...but sadly, this book was awful. It was dull and slow and the characters were flat. This is the only book of his I've read, and it may end up being the only one.
Just didn't ring true
Just didn't ring true and I was bored too! Jeesh I'm a poet like Daisy.
Amazing writing ability and while I feel people and places are so vivid I had a tough time enjoying the book. I wanted it to be over. While description is good, there were parts I wanted to pull my hair out... i.e. squash game detail... brain surgery detail...
It seemed too implausible to me. I can't imagine a person being able to do all these things in one day, it's just not realistic. I also thought that Baxter could not possibly be "moved" by Daisy's poem so much that he wouldn't follow through with the attack on the family. Yes he had Huntington's disease but he was a thug. Also the initial incident with Baxter and friends didn't ring true in the sense that Henry didn't report it to the authorities etc., instead he goes off to play squash. Can you imagine getting in an auto accident caused by someone else and there are many damaged parked cars and then three guys start to beat you and mug you and after your narrow escape you run off to a game and tell no one about it???
Having made all these negative comments I still liked McEwan's ability to make the characters and places real to me and to even have an understanding of squash (I always thought it was something like rugby or lacrosse).
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