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A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4)
by Authors:
George R. R. Martin
Average Customer Rating:
The "soap opera installment" for the series A Song of Ice and Fire
I've heard it said that you can quit watching a daytime soap opera for a couple of months and come back and pick right up where you left off without missing much. A Feast for Crows accomplishes just that. The first three books in this series were fantastic, fast paced and shocking in every chapter. The last four or five chapters of this book sum it up and contain everything you'll need to know for upcoming books. I was glad to finally finish the book.
The story gets hard to follow because there are so many characters that are only briefly introduced, then glossed over. So much of what is said, is just fluff and really doesn't have anything to do with the story. I hope the next book in the series shows more promise or I doubt I'll even bother with it.
Holy Jebus, my brain hurts...
After endless hours of reading through five or so characters I actually want to read about, or even CARE about, I finally get back to one I do. Needless to say, this required diligence and a patience I normally don't possess, and a bottle of excedrin.
Mr. Martin could've made this story phenominal if he'd just stuck to the characters the first book started with, the Starks. This latest installment bored me to tears, to be honest, and I really reaaaaally don't care to read about Circe. Her chapters were predictable to the point where I'd find myself laughing about how she's just 'another bad guy.' In fact the vast majority of the book could have just been over-written with chapters all about the Starks, with maybe a few about other big players in the story.
I'm begging of you, Martin, please for the love of Pete, stick to the interesting stuff, or I'm going to need a stronger pain reliever to sit through the next one!
I read and enjoyed the previous three books in this series although the first book was the best of the three. I gave up on A Feast of Crows about a third of the way through. All the likeable characters were killed off in the prior books. I think it's been three years since the last book and I don't remember that much about the surviving characters. The book should have at least had an introduction to refresh the reader as to what had happened in the prior books re-introduce the characters.
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