Home: Fishing
By: Catherine Kenyeres
What to do as a stopgap measure when your
waders tear.
You are out fishing miles away
from any civilization and enjoying it. You feel a tug on your line and
you know you don’t have to worry about dinner. It’s a good fight. Wait…
you slip. The fish gets away and how you having a gaping tear in your
waders. The nearest tackle shop is miles
away and you don’t want to get into your vehicle to drive for a wader
repair kit. What do you do?
Duct tape. Yes. There are a thousand and one uses for duct tape. Make
sure before you go on your next fishing trip that you pack the duct
tape. The only thing is that when you are out fishing, you probably
won’t be carrying a pair of scissors around with you so you will have to
learn to rip it with your teeth. And you never know, it might not be you
the next time who needs an instant wader repair kit. You will be a life
saver if you always carry duct tape with you on a fishing trip.
Love to fish. Need some new fishing supplies. If you are looking for products or services for fishing supplies, fishing rods, fishing
reels, lures, hooks, waders, wader repair kits, or tackleboxes, click on the links below.
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