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The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/all/20060325225148/http://www.whatbooks.com/store/dvd/B00005JKTY.html
NTSC Rating:
NR (Not Rated)
DVD Description:
It's a good bet that any American kid growing up in the '70s or '80s learned some elementary lesson from the seminal musical series Schoolhouse Rock!. Airing from 1973 to 1984 (and often revived), the ABC Saturday morning shorts effortlessly introduced kids to grammar, science, multiplication, money, and American history--three minutes at a time. In one smart, comprehensive 2-disc set, all 46 songs and plenty of extras are collected. The four creators developed the series slowly, a welcome diversion from their advertising agency jobs, and ended up taking home four Emmys over the years. The background material includes 10 audio commentaries and a making-of feature for the new song, "I'm Gonna Send Your Vote to College." The DVD subtitle option is a great bonus for those who need to know every word from such favorites as "Three Is a Magic Number," "Interjections," "I'm Just a Bill," and "Conjunction Junction." (Ages 3 and older) --Doug Thomas
Average Customer Rating:
It's great even if you don't know the original series...
This was recommended to me after my wife remembered Conjunction Junction and other songs. It's great value too. 2 DVDs and a lot of fun. My kids really like it.
Schoolhouse Rock! still ROCKS!
In, my forties, I still use these great songs of the 70's to remember and teach my own children. I can't imagine anything ever taking the place of Schoolhouse Rock!
Schoolhouse Rocks Really Rocks!
I remember this from Saturday mornings when I was a kid and missed those little songs and wanted my kids to hear them. They are both under ten year of age and they LOVE Schoolhouse Rock. We also homeschool and they love learning through music. What a way to learn about that Bill on Capitol Hill!
Can't find the dvd you're looking for? Then try Google.