The Wayback Machine -

Guaranteed to triple your traffic for FREE
compared to other banner services!

BannersXChange gives you the best results by…..
- always displaying your banner at an immediately visible part of the page
- not displaying competitive banner networks in the same visual area
- providing a 2:1 banner exchange ratio!

Review additional reasons why YOU should
sign up and start using today!


The naked truth about banners exchange services

What the Others Are Not Telling You
In exchange for every 1000 exposures of the network banners on your web site, how many visitors are actually coming to your site? On the average, has consistently returned over 15 visitors to our clients' sites, while our top 10 competitors are returning less than 5 visitors. When using an identical banner with all exchanges, an even greater improvement is obtained.

►learn more GUARANTEE

If after 1000 banner exposures BannersXChange does not triple the number of click-thrus that you obtained from any of the top 10 banner exchange companies, we will give you 1000 banner exposures for FREE! BannersXChange satisfies this guarantee with software on the technological edge and an approach that does three unique things:

  • It confirms that each exposure counted is on the top of its page and visible to the surfer.
  • It confirms that no other banners compete on the same screen for the reader's attention.
  • It does not show your banner to the same reader beyond the number of times you predetermine.

Part of a 38-year-old US company you can trust has the backing and resources of EMERgency 24, Inc., its 38-year-old US parent company with 24-hour personnel in Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C. Los Angeles and Santiago, Chile. is part of a family of Internet companies with over 1,300 domains providing webmasters with money-making resources.

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