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Media centre
- Asia Quake Appeal
- Niger Appeal
- Tsunami Appeal
- Tsunami Press Releases
- Member Agencies
- British Red Cross: Survey results show compassionate Britain - 23/12/05
- Oxfam: One year after tsunami livelihoods recovering - 20/12/05
- Save the Children: Making Waves photo exhibition - 19/12/05
- Oxfam: Providing shelter is the toughest challenge - 14/12/05
- Christian Aid: Exhibition - 9/12/05
- Christian Aid: £1 to save a life: why disaster prevention is better - and cheaper - than cure - 8/12/05
- Oxfam tsunami report reveals biggest aid effort in history - 5/12/05
- CAFOD remembers one year after Asian tsunami - 2/12/05
- One Year On: Save the Children reports on Tsunami Emergency Response - 2/12/05
- CAFOD: Cardinal Travels to Sri Lanka for Tsunami Anniversary - 28/11/05
- British Red Cross: Tsunami Survivors in Indonesia open their first bank accounts - 28/11/05
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