"Aren't you going
to help me out," Greg demanded.
"No," Cat said,
"I'm having too much fun!"
After 5 minutes or so
he finally managed to climb the slippery,
slimey slope on his own. "Let's go,"
he said.
"What?" Cat
protested, "We just got here."
Greg said something about
it being 40 degrees out and he was freezing
his bass off. Cat called him a weinie
and explained how, with the rate of evaporation
at 40 degrees and his bodies gradual acclimation
to his condition he should be comfortable
in a couple hours, so why ruin a perfectly
good fishing trip?
Greg got mad as a wet
fin and started walking over to carp at
Cat when he slipped on the wet bank and
fell in a 3rd time.
Greg was cussing a blue
streak and kicking at the water when Cat
announced "I'm going now. You've
probably scared all the fish away anyway."
He was still clawing his
way up the bank when Cat drove away. "Can
you blame me for not wanting to get my
car seats all wet with smelly old river
water?" Cat asked. "He did!
Now he won't even return my calls, the
big freaking dork."