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search engine optimization submission placement

Popularity Check

Being submitted to 4,00,000 search engines, directories, classifieds, message boards and FFA sites  has the advantage of increasing your link popularity.  Many top search engines partially base what rank your site will have in any keyword search on how many other sites have you listed.   They also base your ranking on how may relevant keywords are within the text of your site.  These keywords are also located in the meta tags of your site.  Meta tags are the keyword, and description of your site hidden in the HTML of your homepage that also help increase your ranking and location by potential customers.

  The Search Engine Submission includes meta tags with every submission if you don't presently have any.  Another important factor in attaining a higher ranking for your site is having keywords within your domain name.  This is particularly more effective when it is undiluted by someone else's domain if your site is only a sub-domain of another.

  One final ranking essential is submitting your site on a monthly basis which is the maximum allowed by most search engines.  Newer submittals & re-submittals are given priority ranking over other sites who submitted once and then never again.  This also shows that you are still active, and haven't closed down your site down.   

The best way I have found is with AltaVista and Google.

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