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Fishing Wallpapers and Screensavers
All wallpaper and screensavers were created by Gold Bass Productions and are intended for the private use of visitors to this site. The wallpapers and screensavers found herein may not be reproduced, redistributed, used in other manner than their intended purpose, or sold, without prior written permission from Gold Bass Productions.

Installing the Wallpaper
Click on the size of the wallpaper  you wish to install.
A new window will pop up - wait for the picture to finish loading.
Right-click on the picture and select "Set as background".
You now have a new wallpaper.

brnlily800.jpg lilybass800.jpg smally.jpg smallmouth.jpg
rainbow.jpg Stripers.jpg Walleye.jpg cats.jpg
blubass.jpg smally1.jpg Stripers.jpg cats1.jpg
rainbow1.jpg lilybass.jpg plugbass.jpg smallmouth1.jpg
largemouth.jpg pike.jpg redbass.jpg walleye2.jpg
redbass1280.jpg pike1280.jpg walleye1280.jpg brnlily1280.jpg

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