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Athens - Places To  Go

ATHENS, an endless fascination!, a guide into the former and present times of this city.


place has a fabulous story. is your feet and eyes, whether you are a passionate or virtual tourist, to show you the historic side, as well as the modern face of the city of Athena!

Athens has a profound effect
on our way of
  Athens   Athens  
thinking, with its imperisha- ble architectural, artistic and cultural achievements. The 2004 Olympiad is the best accomplishment of tradition and technology.
Almost every marble step
or rock in Athens is marked by the mythical past, every
Photographic Voyage
Christmas in Athens
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Brief History, Aristocracy & Democracy, Persian Wars, Golden Age, Peloponnesian War, Roman Period, Byzantine & Ottoman Obscurity, Independence, 20th Century. A range of accommodation at each price and quality level in Athens. Where to Eat & When to Eat, The Menu, Appetizers, Fish & Meat, Dessert & Cheeses, Drinks. Time Zones, National Holidays, Airport, Customs, Public Transport, Language, Religion, Medical Care, Open Hours, Money,Climate, Clothing, Driving, Car Rental, Fixed Telephony, Mobile Telephony, Police, Post Office, Maps, Weights & Measures, Tourist Info, Complaints, Youth Hostels, Hitchhiking, Laundry, Toilets. The Religios Character of the Ancient Olympic Games, First Olympiads, Heraia, Cultural Contribution, Gods in Ancient Greece. International Olympic Committee, International Olympic Academy, Lighting of the Olympic Flame, Pierre de Coubertin Monument, Museum of the Modern Olympic Games. Thank You Contact  Us The Ancient Olympic Games Organization, Famous Ancient Olympic Winners, Rituals & Olympic Program, Ancient Olympic Events, Ancient Olympic Title, Olympic Games in Hellenistic & Roman Times. Photographic Voyage, White Athens Album, Christmas in Athens, Peter Hammill live in Athens. Traditions -  Christmas - Easter Athens 2004 Olympic Games Athens - Places To  Go Archive Site Map Excursions-Cyclades  Islands Athens  Music Concerts Theatre, Traditional Music and Dance, Sailing, Golf, Football (soccer), Horseracing, Where to Shop, What to Buy, Suggestions For Children, Annual Events. BT Design Approved Site Award, The Crystal Sea Merit Award, World Web Award of Excellence, Van Gogh Award for Artistic Excellence, Best of the Web Award, Market-Tek Design Award Winner, Golden Nugget Award, News Wire Award, The 5 Hearts Award, Domain-Me Award For Artistic Ability, eBook-It Best Site Award, Screaming Head Award