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Fishing for Women

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"Basic Flies"

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Hi, my name is Lannie, I've been fishing for 20 years. Over the years I have developed a strong love of the sport. When I first suggested my husband take me on fishing outings, he was very hesitant. Why would he want someone tagging along who would make noise, need help tying on flies, and be too squeamish to take a fish off of the hook?  Well as the add says; I've "come a long way baby!"

Recently I've noticed a new trend in fly-fishing; WOMEN are starting to become much more interested and involved. This is fantastic and is opening up a world of fun and a lifetime sport to 1000's of women. I struggled with learning the different knots, casting techniques, flies and even equipment to wear. I hope to provide clear, concise information to make your transition into the fly-fishing world more smooth and enjoyable.

I want to make one point clear right up front . the purpose of going out for a day of fishing is to have FUN! Leave the pressure of home, husband, kids, job or whatever behind and just have fun. Now don't get me wrong; catching fish adds to the fun. In an effort to maximize the fun I will be making suggestions in my articles on different things that you can control to enhance the experience; be it different equipment, new techniques, checking water flow volume. anything that will make the day more enjoyable.

I live and fish in Colorado and have found no more beautiful place in the world to be outdoors and on the water.  I have fly-fished for trout in Colorado, Wyoming, and North Carolina, and fly-fished for salmon in New York.  All very exciting!  Since I am an avid fly-fisherwoman, I will primarily be talking about fly-fishing, but will try to provide articles on bass fishing, saltwater fishing, anything current at the time.

I recently went on a fly-fishing outing with one of the local fishing clubs to the Arkansas River.  There were 20 plus men . and then there was me.  There are quite a few women in the club, but none of them felt comfortable (good enough) to go fishing with a group of guys.  I hope to be able to provide information and tips to women on techniques, equipment and experiences that will provide the confidence to go out and enjoy fishing!  Take a moment to read through the articles, and chat with other fisherwomen in our forum.

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