Website Design
Engine Optimization and Website Marketing
Do you want an
effective website that helps build your business?
It is more important than ever to have a presence
on the web. We recognize this and are committed to working
closely with you to make sure the design (layout, colors,
text, and images) establishes your identity and gets
your message across.
Do you want people
to find your website and traffic to steadily grow?
SEO Designs offers professional website design, search
engine optimization, PPC account management, hosting,
maintenance, and reciprocal link campaigns to assure
your website is positioned well on each of the major
search engines and directories. More>>
"We started getting
calls right away and the website paid for itself in the first 2 weeks that
it was up. I had no idea a website could have such a positive impact on our business.
Thanks a million!" Rick St. George, South Bay Spas "The
website got my phone ringing with people scheduling appointments at my
office. The combination of CD sales, plus in-person clients has in only four months
produced thousands and thousands of dollars of income." Benjamin Moss Hypnosis
Center. "Not a day goes by it
seems when someone isn't praising the quality of our website. It conveys
just the right image we were looking for. Thanks again for a great job! It was
worth every penny." Jeff Claypool, President Lifestyle Spas Web
Design Specials>> 
Website designs that help your business grow
SEO-Designs has over 17 years of experience in sales
and marketing. We'll work with you on a personal level to make sure you
have a successful, high ranking website that will help your business grow, we
just won't settle for anything less! Contact SEO-Designs now to learn more about
how we can help you improve visability and profits for your business.
SEO-Designs - Affordable Prices - Creative
If you want a
web presence that has a positive effect on your business,
why not let us help you?
We are a full service web design and search engine
optimization and marketing company. We can handle all
aspects of your website, from design to hosting to marketing.
Affordable prices and creative solutions are just a
click away.
SEO-Designs>>  If
your website is not working to help your business grow, why not let us fix
it? |