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Definitive Source of the Best Fishing Techniques in the World
Recognize Fish at a Glance for the rest of your Life
Awesome fishing techniques that allow you to decide for yourself which you prefer
Illustrative points that Challenge the Tenets of Fishing Lore
Ultra fast way to get fish on the hook! The Tips can be learned in Seconds!
The Critical Nature of Weather shows you how to forecast fishing trips.
Understanding water levels allows you to find the best times to fish Rivers and Lakes
Saltwater fishermen can create fishing trips largely dep
Awesome Resources for fishermen to arrange Travel, Lodging, Gear, and Charters for Fishing Trips!
Correspond Directly with the Author and Have your questions answered personally!
Definitive Source of the Best Fishing Techniques in the World
Find out what it takes to get Fish on the Hook any season, any time of the year, and any place on earth with these Top Fishing Secrets!


Trout, Salmon, and Steelhead

Learn the Fishing Secrets that have been hidden for Generations with these Top Fishing Secrets! I'm excited at the prospect of sharing fishing information with you, and the satisfaction of you getting fish on the hook is all I need to keep me motivated! Let me know how your fishing trips turn out. If you need any help at all feel free to contact me anytime. My e-mail address is and I usually respond within 24 hours or less. What could be better than seeing the smile on a fisherman's face as a fish flails about on the end of his line? There are many techniques for getting these fish on the hook, and the material on this site will cover them all with expert advice in the form of Tips, Articles, and Fishing Techniques. Almost every kind of Trout, Salmon, and Steelhead fishing has some form of significant water current and this site will cover the many Drift Fishing techniques available to those moving bodies of water (as well as Plunking and other forms of Still-water fishing).

Fly-Fishing and Drift-Fishing

Fly-Fishing is Drift-Fishing! Whether you want to drift Flies, Buggers, Corkies, and Baits you can expect to find the best fishing tips here. Fly fishermen will especially find water locations helpful in locating these elusive creatures. For the full dynamic of reading water, Fly Fishermen will be pleased to know the book "Steelhead & Salmon Drift-Fishing Secrets covers all the fishable water there is to be fished.


There are many subjects about drift-fishing anglers are unaware of and this site will tell expose all the fishing secrets you need to know to get fish on the hook. The geographic location of where these fish are become irrelevant with these fishing techniques since they work anywhere in the world. Every conceivable drift-fishing technique will be explored either on this site or in the book of Steelhead & Salmon Drift Fishing Secrets. The Tips, Articles, and Fishing Techniques will show you just how easy it is to get your catch of a lifetime. Like all fishing techniques getting your fish is largely dependant on what you're willing to put into it; however, knowing that time and effort are everything, you can expect to find secret tips to save time and effort on every single one of these techniques.

Tips and Advice!!!
These Tips can be learned in seconds and work everywhere. Fishing advice from Lore, Mother Nature, and Scientific Principals.

Articles of Interest
Real information about real fishing that work for Experts and Novice alike. The only place this information can be found is here and all the facts are scientifically supported.

Weather Reports!!!
Weather is an encompassing component when associated with the physilogy of fish. Barometric fluctuations, Warm and Cold Fronts, Wind Velocity, and Precipitation all contribute to the willingness of fish to bite. Check your weather and check it often. This site offers locations around the world where Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout are found.

Tide Monitoring Locations!!!
Tides literally move and shake the aquatic world and if you want to know where the oceanic fish are you must check your tides often.

River & Lake Levels!!!
When freshwater fishing it is vital to know what you're getting into and that means to watch the rising and falling levels of rivers. This link will take you to monitoring stations around the world where Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout are found. Countries that offer up-to-date information of river levels will often post heights of Lakes as well for Lake Trout Fishermen.

Steelhead & Salmon Drift-Fishing Secrets
This book is the culmination of over 36,0000 hours of research. Over 1,000 fishermen, guides, and experts were interviewed to find out what they thought would make a great fishing book and here it is.

Privacy Policies
This site has been created for the sole purpose of revealing information about fishing for Salmon, Steelhead, and Trout "Free of Charge". In no way will any information be gathered other than that of traffic and what can be done to make this a better site for anglers and outdoorsmen who love to fish and enjoy wilderness experiences. With the site being continually updated, any suggestions about what visitors would like to see are welcome and will be seriously considered as long as the suggestions promote proper sportsmanlike conduct.


-Timothy Kusherets(Author/Feature Writer/Editor)

© Top Fishing Secrets 2004/2006
All Rights Reserved. No portion of this site may be used for public display without the written consent from Top Fishing Secrets or from the Author Timothy Kusherets.