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Weight Loss
Diet Types
Adkins Diet Atkins Diet
Blood Type Diet Blood Type Diet
Cabbage Soup Diet Cabbage Soup Diet
Grapefruit Grapefruit Diet
SlimFast Diet Slim Fast
Weight Watchers Weight Watchers
Subway Diet Subway Diet
Hollywood Diet Hollywood Diet
Hay Diet Hay Diet
Mayo Clinic Diet Mayo Clinic Diet
Scarsdale Diet Scarsdale Diet
Sugar Busters Sugar Busters
Protein Power Protein Power
Zone Diet Zone Diet
Beverly Hills Diet Beverly Hills Diet
Sommersizing Suzanne Somers
Fit for Life Fit For Life
Pritikin Diet Pritikin
South Beach Diet South Beach Diet
Hip and Thigh Diet Hip and Thigh Diet
Basics of Nutrition Basics of Nutrition
Proteins Proteins
Fats Fats
Carbohydrates Carbohydrates
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and Minerals

Dieting Review : All the weight loss information you need

Weight loss is a significant problem in the developed world and on this website is a variety of weight loss programs and resources that should help tackle the problem. This website will hopefully be able to provide you with all the resources so that you can follow a responsible and safe weight loss program that will help you to reach and maintain your ideal weight

Things to remember when choosing a diet plan or weight loss program make sure it is safe and follow these guidelines.

Make sure that it safe and contains all the recommended daily allowances the aim is to cut calories and not important food groups and vitamins.

In the case of weight loss slow and steady wins the race, a diet should not lose more than a pound a week as studies have shown that rapid weight loss usually means a gain in weight over time.

Before stating any diet you should consult a doctor or nutritionist who will be able to advise you on a suitable diet and weight to aim for and of any health risks.

There is not a one-size fits all diet and what may work for a friend may not necessarily work for you. With healthy eating and exercise anybody can have weight loss for good so be determined and good luck!

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Everything on this website is for general information only. We are not responsible for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of this website. Always consult your own Doctor or Nutrisionist before following any diet here or are concerned about your health.
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