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Our Mission

To bring about an awareness of the consciousness of all that is. To ascend the boundaries that humankind has placed upon themselves and to teach of the ascension and growth process to all who wish it.

Ascension 2011

To make the transition into the new earth energies without loosing a single soul. To serve earth and all beings with the highest love, light, guidance and support


Personal Note

This will be my last earthly incarnation. After this I will be going home to Sirius 11 to continue my Master work on another level. I have enjoyed my time on earth, though it has been a long and enduring mission, many earth years of preparation have lead to the next few years ahead. I will see you there... In the highest light and love to all!

Sirian Masters

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The Masters and Archangels

Forest by leondra May The Masters and the Archangels are always present here in this space. This is a place of higher learning, healing, re-membering, ascension, assistance and a place to be who you are. This webspace is overflowing with higher light energies.

Entry here is entry to the higher realms. Some ease into these energies while others must wait. With this in mind please enter if you are drawn here or if you have been guided to this space. If not please wait till your direction is clear.

I have had many people tell me of their experiences while in the art gallery and when reading articles on this website. They have had visits, healings, guidance and an overall feeling of peace. Me being right in this energy all the time (living this energy) does not allow me to experience it as others would and I appreciate everyone sharing their experiences with me.

Available Now Ascension Crystal and Moldavite Pendant Charged by the Sirian Masters and handcrafted by Leondra. The Sirian Masters said there is a need for energy integration and through these pendants you will be grounded and integrating the new energies arriving on earth will be easier.

Leondra May

Leondra May, author of Sirius Eleven, brings over 30 years of experience channeling information from other worlds to us through her writing and artistic visions. A Certified Hypnotherapist for the past 15 years, also an ordained minister through ULC the last 6, when she's not creating art, she provides valuable intuitive counseling for others exploring their spiritual paths.

Leondra's insightful writings have been published in Sedona Journal of Emergence, Transformational Times in Oregon, and other smaller periodicals in the United States. Her art was published in the November 2005 edition

"Look To Yourself" by Solhara-Leondra May was published by Sedona Journal of Emergence in the November 1993 issue.

Higher Light Galactic Energy Healing Sessions and DNA Activation For Lightworkers by Leondra.

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On Sirius Eleven

Sirian Masters

On Sirius Eleven souls talk to one another through their higherselves, there are no verbal communications. The star has many healing centers where souls who have passed on go to heal and understand the lives they just lived on earth. We also have an abundance of animal souls whom are our friends and are here for healing also. Communication with the animals is the same as with others, through our higherselves, our essence.

The temples are crystal like with no doors. To enter one needs only to will it. The waters are not wet. The waters are a pure energy that flows through dips in the rolling green hills. The suns are not the color of earth's sun, they are more subdued and radiate a whiter light. The moons are smaller and closer to us than the earth's is in relation to her moon. There is no climate. There is only a total feeling of comfort. It is like being in the perfect temperature always. - Continue Reading... and watch the Sirius11 Movie.






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