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Since 1998, Ranking.com has performed market research upon a statistically, geographically and demographically significant number of Internet surfers. By recording these surfers' website visits, Ranking.com calculates the ranking for the top 900,000 (growing every month) most visited websites and provides these results to surfers absolutely FREE for all its services!
Ranking.com uses its sister services BrowserAccelerator.com (a BestSearch.com / 7MetaSearch.com search solution) and sister company LinksToYou.com to determine website ratings for the top 900,000 sites on the Net. By measuring the unique visitors, page views and link popularity of a website, surfers can rank websites accordingly.
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This FREE Web popularity and rank information report contains not only unique visitors, visits, page view and link count data, it also contains contact information such as address, phone number, site age, last modified date and more! To access this information every time you search, use Meta Search Engine or the 7FaSSt Search™ search box and simply click on the "details" link next to any website in the search return list.
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If you appear as one of Ranking.com's top 900,000 sites, you are already appearing at BestSearch.com, a second generation search engine that will change the way you search the Web by listing only the best websites. BestSearch.com lists the top sites for each category as provided by Ranking.com and always from top to bottom with details so your search is always the BEST! |
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Ranking.com also provides these other benefits for your site!
Get the exact visitors' ranking of all your competitors so that you can emulate what is right or avoid their mistakes.
Prioritize your time. Always check the traffic ranking of a prospect so that you can invest your energy accordingly.
The best value -- no other market research firm offers the same information free.
Reproduce Ranking.com data FREE. If you own an Internet magazine or a website catering to a group or interest, you can develop rankings by categories using our advanced features at no cost. See requirements to reproduce below.
- Save time by getting the intelligence of Ranking.com™ FREE with the BrowserAccelerator™ search tool. Now with One-Click SiteDetails™, you can obtain facts about a website, including postal and email addresses, age, link popularity and the official ranking for any site you are viewing in your browser. NEW! Now includes the TrustGauge™ the easy way to determine if the website you are visiting is trustworthy
Click here to install in seconds.
Ranking.com does not intend to provide the actual metrics that your site receives, but rather insights into how your site compares to the other top sites on the Web according to popular metrics. |
All services included in this page are FREE!
Add this page to your favorites to get the ranking of any website among the top 900,000 most visited sites on the Net. To see the rankings, Click here!
Obtain the number of links pointing to every site on the Internet as well as the Traffic Ranking™ range FREE every time you search for most returned websites, by using Meta Crawler Search Engine
By downloading BrowserAccelerator™, a search box is placed right in your browser which is equipped with One-Click SiteDetails™. It includes website link popularity, the TrustGauge™ and a traffic ranking range free of charge. Click here to install in seconds.
You may reproduce our rankings as follows... |
Reproduce the information at no charge and develop up to 10 different categories; including complete details about each company. For example, if you publish any of the following categories below in your website, it will count as one category.
The top 100 most visited or most popular real estate websites.
The 50 most linked-to websites in the Internet.
The top 10 Las Vegas websites with the most traffic.
The top 10 most visited self-storage sites in Europe.
The best and most popular websites in Chicago.
- To help reproduce top 10 or top 100 lists for a group or industry, make sure to use the ADVANCED feature within the report. This will allow the entire list of URLs to be entered at once. The Ranking.com software will then return the sites already ranked. To save time, save the URL list into a text file like MS Word or Outlook Notes then paste the information into our tool on a monthly basis to reproduce the updated ranking for your publication.
Requirements to reproduce: You must acknowledge the origin of the information as from Ranking.com with an embedded link to the http://www.Ranking.com site. The following phrase must be included:
The marketing research data necessary to produce this report is provided FREE by Ranking.com™
At Ranking.com, we use other paid market research services for calibration purposes. Statistics from companies such as Alexa, AC Nielsen and Media Metrix are used to attune and adjust our surveys and rating statistics.
- The market research performed by Ranking.com has the backing and resources of EMERgency 24, Inc., its 36-year-old U.S. parent company with 24-hour personnel in Chicago; Detroit; Washington, D.C.; Los Angeles and Santiago, Chile. TrafficRanking.com is part of a family of over 1,300 Internet domains providing consumers with Internet resources.
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