LukOilAmericas.com |
thank you! Max |
LukOil America web site
Denimax |
Excellent start for very complicated project. In development. Max |
fredericks |
Thanks guys. Mike |
Internet store with full functionality: allows the owner to accept PayPal.com, Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover etc customers. Administration access allows the owner to see old/new customers and their emails addresses, There is ability to send massive emails to all customers, place banners (owners advertisements online - additional line of income), add/delete/edit catalogue of items (no customer support needed), keep full company inventory online. Call for more details.
MosFilm |
thanks guys - more work ahead, but I am sure you can handle it. Oleg |
Internet store with full functionality: allows the owner to accept PayPal.com, Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, Discover etc customers. Administration access allows the owner to see old/new customers and their emails addresses, There is ability to send massive emails to all customers, place banners (owners advertisements online - additional line of income), add/delete/edit catalogue of items (no customer support needed), keep full company inventory online. Call for more details.
Helen Yarmak |
Thank you Helen |
Helen Yarmak
Flash presentations site with full administration news, events, clients etc.
Internet Store