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The mission of the Kenai Watershed Forum is to work together for healthy watersheds on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska.

Education & Outreach

our goals
Maintain the health of the Kenai Peninsula watersheds

Ensure quality of life for the community

Seek solutions to local environmental and community issues

Enhance and expand learning opportunities

Improve understanding of the Kenai Peninsula watersheds



board of directors

contact us
PO Box 2937
Soldotna, AK 99669
907-260-5412 fax

email us


The Kenai Watershed Forum is a local 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to maintaining the health of the watersheds on the Kenai Peninsula in southcentral Alaska. Based 160 miles south of Anchorage in Soldotna, efforts are focused on the entire peninsula using education & outreach, restoration, and research programs.

QUICK LINKS: Kenai River FestivalWater QualityALCES


Education & Outreach Research Restoration
KWF strives to enhance the knowledge about watersheds and our environment, both adult and K-12.
This program comprises 50% of our budget. To the extend practical, sound science drives our work.
Our newest program structured to address the greatest needs as identified through our research program.

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