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Environmental Classification Summary Form
The revised Environmental Classification Summary Form is now available. Please begin using the April 2005 version of the form immediately. Any projects that have already been submitted on the "old" form will still be accepted; however, we will expect to see the new version of the ECS for all future projects.

Directions for filling out the ECS form: PDF document
Environmental Classification Summary Form 140-100.pdf
Environmental Classification Summary Form 140_100.WF9 (FileMaker Pro form)
Save file and overwrite the exisitng 140_100.WF9 file in your DOTeForms0 directory.

Air Quality Impact Assessment
The bulk of this information was taken directly from Section 424 of the WSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual.) Click below for a copy.
(Air Quality Impact Assessment)

ESA SPECIES LIST - Frequently Asked Questions
To provide local agency direction on obtaining and using species lists.

WSDOT Indirect Effects Guidance
During ESA consultations, questions may arise regarding the relationship of the proposed project and adjacent development, and whether such development is considered an indirect effect as defined by ESA. This document provides guidance for assessing the indirect effect relationship between projects and land use development during the consultation process.
2mb - (WSDOT_IndirectEffects.pdf)

WSDOT’s Critical Habitat Guidance for Biological Assessments
ESA designations of critical habitat have increased dramatically in Washington State the past year. If critical habitat is located in the project action area it should be addressed in the biological assessment. Assessing a project’s impacts to critical habitat is independent of addressing impacts to listed species. This document provides guidance on how to assess potential impacts to critical habitat.

WSDOT's Guidance on Addressing the Talent Decision
Updates to WSDOT's Talent Decision website are now available. This site contains WSDOT's guidance on how to apply the new 100-foot break approach when making Clean Water Act 404 permit jurisdictional determinations in roadside ditches. This new approach was agreed to by the Corps on the SR 509 project and the Corps has given the Department the nod to use this approach on future JARPA submittals.

WSDOT's Guidance for Adressing Noise Impacts in Biological Assessments
A current hot topic is how to assess a proposed project's noise impacts on ESA listed and proposed species and habitat. The following attachments - Noise Update and Noise Assessment - provide WSDOT's current guidance on completing an assessment of noise impacts. The Noise Update document presents a short Q&A; page on WSDOT's current approach to assessing noise impacts. The Noise Chapter is derived from the Department's biological assessment training curriculum and provides more detailed information on completing a noise assessment for inclusion in a biological assessment.
(NoiseChapter011906.pdf) (Noise Update.pdf)

Current NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Projects
City of Union Gap's Valley Mall Blvd. Extension Phase III Project (EA) - Click on the following link for a copy of the environmental assessment for this project. The 30-day comment period ends on February 27, 2006. Comments on the document may be directed to the Valley Mall Boulevard Extension Project Office at 2302 S 3rd Avenue, Union Gap, WA 98903.
(VMB_III_EA.pdf - 14mb)


Section 106 Tracking Sheet

BA Tracking Sheet


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