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Traffic School Certificate Information

The primary reason for taking traffic school is to get your certificate so you can give it to the clerk of the court and avoid points on your license - that is your responsibility.

We are located in Florida and DMV Florida Approved so you will receive your certificate quickly.

Certificate Delivery

When you complete your Florida traffic school course you will be offered several options for certificate delivery. You must select one of the choices below.

Your choices for your Florida traffic school certificate are:

1. US Mail first class --- Free
2. Email - delivered within two hours --- $9.95
3. UPS - overnight or second day --- price determined based on your address

Regular Mail

Once you select regular mail your traffic school certificate will be mailed within one business day. You should allow 7 to 10 days to receive it. If your deadline is approaching we suggest you select a faster shipment method.


If you select email to receive your traffic school certificate will be emailed within two hours. Your certificate will be sent as an attachement (PDF File) that you need Adobe Acrobat to print.

If you order your traffic school certificate via email but do not receive it check the following:

  1. Is the email in your spam folder
  2. Was the email blocked by your Internet Security Software (Norton or Mcafee)

If you receive the email but the attachement did not come through note that the email contains a direct link to open your certificate.

Printing Your Certificate

If you print your certificate and it is illegible do the following:

  1. Open your traffic school certificate in adobe acrobat.
  2. Select "Print Setup"
  3. Change the Orientation to "Landscape"
  4. Select "OK"
  5. Print the certificate.

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat you can Download it Here

Your Responsibilty

It is your responsibility to deliver either by mail or in person to the clerk of the court in the county where you received your certificate. You must meet your deadline which varies by county.

Certificate for Florida First Time Driver/Learner Permit Course and DMV Exam

We offer both the Florida Learner Permit (DATA) course and DMV exam online


DMV Test Online

When you complete your DATA course you are asked if you wish to take the DMV exam and offered these options:

  1. Yes take it now
  2. Yes take it later
  3. No

If you select option 3 indicating you Do Not Wish to take the DMV exam your learner permit certificate will be mailed within 1 business day.

If you select option 1 or 2 indicating you plan to take the DMV exam, your Florida learner permit certificate will he held for 3 days. After 3 days

If you have passed the DMV exam your learner permit will have both completions.

If you wait more than 3 days to complete the DMV exam you will receive your FL learner permit with just the DATA course completion.

If you log into your account and complete the DMV exam a second certificate will be sent with both your Florida Learner Permit course and DMV exam completion.

Copyright © 2006 Florida Drivers Association. All rights reserved. A Florida DMV Approved Traffic School