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Travel Advisory

German Temporary and Emergency Passports Not Valid for Entry into the United States as of May 1, 2006.

CBP:Securing America's Borders

CBP: Securing America's Borders
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection priority mission - keeping terrorists and their weapons from entering the United States - places CBP on the frontline of the war on terrorism.

CBP Success Stories

CBP in Action

Stories about the CBP employees who are successfully securing America's borders every day.

C-TPAT logo

Security Criteria
The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program announces a phased implementation of Supply Chain Security Criteria for Sea Carrier and Highway Carrier members.

Secure Border Initiative: SBInet Program
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) is a comprehensive multi-year plan to secure America’s borders and reduce illegal migration.

Central Applicant Self-Service (CASS) Program

Customs and Border Protection now has a program where applicants for selected entry-level positions can check and view the status of their applications. Please note that access to the CASS Program is restricted to applicants for entry-level positions only.

ACE logo

ACE Application Information
The new CBP automated system, ACE, is a growing reality for truck carriers, importers, and brokers. Stay current on the latest ACE developments, including regulatory requirements. Apply for an ACE Account today!

Q and A

What documents does a foreign national or green card holder need to enter the U.S.?

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