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Google Earth Plus

A must have for mapping enthusiasts.

Google Earth Plus is an optional, upgraded version of Google Earth available for $20*. To purchase Google Earth Plus, download and run Google Earth and select "upgrade" from the "help" menu. (Available for Microsoft Windows based PCs only)

Why buy plus?

In addition to the basic features, Google Earth Plus includes:

  • Faster performance - enhanced network access
  • GPS data import - read in tracks and waypoints from select GPS devices
    • Note 1: Verified support for Magellan and Garmin devices only
    • Note 2: Does not support export of tracks or waypoints to a GPS
  • Higher resolution printing (greater than screen resolution).
  • Customer support via email (not just web).
  • Annotation – adds draw/sketch tools for richer annotations (can be shared as KML).
  • Data importer – read address points from .csv files.

How to buy:

  1. Download and install Google Earth.
  2. In the Help menu, select "Upgrade to Plus".
  3. Follow the online instructions to unlock the Google Earth Plus features.
* subscription based annual fee. Only available for MS Windows based PCs.

The Grand Canyon via Google Earth
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