China Travel Tools
Everything you need for a smooth travel experience is here. You'll appreciate our free, useful travel tools, and the terrific services we've put online for your use.
Current Airport Conditions Is Chicago experiencing departure delays? Is it foggy in San Francisco? Airport Closures? This is the place to check for current airport delays.
Airport Maps View terminal, concourse, baggage claim, transportation, and parking maps for most major airports.
Weather Center Get your local 5 day forecast before departure.
Travel Checklist Some helpful items to consider when packing.
Currency Converter Find out how much your currency converts to in foreign currency.
Currency Cheat Sheet A Must! Print out currency conversion rates to carry with you.
Airline Seat Maps Ever wonder where your seat is located? Is it next to the lavatory or in an exit row?
Airport Codes Find the airport code for every major airport in the world.
Flight Tracker Track the flight status of any airborne flight in the U.S.
World Time Zones What time is it in Tokyo, LA, or New York? Click here to find out.
International Dialing Codes Find International Calling Codes for telephone calls.
Electricity Conversions Check the electricity standards in any country before you pack!
FareWatch - Average Airfares Have you ever wondered what the average airfare is between two cities? Use FareWatch to help you determine what a good fare is.
Airport Security Checkpoint Wait Times Check the average wait time for TSA security checkpoints at your airport before you depart!