Adobe Store feedback
Send us your suggestions about enhancing the Adobe Store.
Adobe User to User Forums feedback
Let us know what you think about the User to User Forums in the Forum Comments.
Product feature requests
Send us your ideas about enhancing future versions of products. (This form is not for technical support questions.)
Report a bug
The quality of our products is important to us. Please use this form to report suspected bugs in Adobe products.
Adobe usability studies
Come try out new features and products! Give feedback and have an impact on future products while earning some extra cash.
Report suspected software pirates
Submit a report if you have reason to believe that someone you know is pirating Adobe products.
Report security vulnerabilities or incidents
Adobe takes security seriously and encourages you to privately report suspected vulnerabilities or incidents to us.
Privacy Inquiries
You may use this form to access and/or correct personal information you have submitted through this site. This form may also be used for other privacy related inquiries.
Adobe Solutions Network (ASN) and developer feedback